Home page for accesible maths 4 Double integrals: general regions and change of variable

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4.3 Double integrals using polar coordinates

Polar coordinates are useful for describing circles, and regions involving circles. The circle with centre O and radius a is given by: r=a, 0θ2π. The interior of this circle (the disc of radius a) is described by: 0ra,0θ2π. The upper half of this disc (the part with y0) is given by

The region described in rectangular coordinates by


is given by

The circle with centre (a,0) and radius a passes through O. As the diagram shows, it is given by  r=2acosθ and -π/2θπ/2. Its interior is given by: 0r2acosθ, for the same range of θ.

Recall that the length of the arc of a circle of radius r between two radii at angle θ is rθ (see the examples on path length in section 2).

The area of the small region determined by r, r+δr and θ,θ+δθ is approximately rδrδθ. The contribution of this small region to the volume below z=f(x,y) is approximately this area times the value of the function (which gives the height of the surface), that is, rδrδθf(rcosθ,rsinθ).

We combine small regions and pass to the limit. The conclusion is:


where A is the same region as A, expressed in terms of r and θ.

Example 4.1

The area of a disc. Let A be the disc of radius a. It is given by 0ra, 0θ2π. So its area is


Example 4.2

Find  I=Ay𝑑x𝑑y, where A is the half-disc given by x2+y2a2,y0.

Example 4.3

Find I=Axy𝑑x𝑑y, where A is the region given by a2x2+y2b2, x0,y0.

In polar coordinates, the region is given by:

Example 4.4

Find  I=D(x2+y2)-1/2𝑑x𝑑y, where D is the disc with centre (a,0) and radius a.

As seen above, the disc is given by 0r2acosθ, -π/2θπ/2. Also,(x2+y2)-1/2=1/r. So

The “probability integral”

The following famous integral (of a function of one variable) is sometimes called the probability integral. It is important in statistics. It can be evaluated by the ingenious method of considering a double integral that equals I2 and transforming to polar coordinates.

Proposition 4.5 We have  -e-x2𝑑x=π.

Proof. Denote the integral by I. Then


The plane 2 is given by: 0r<, 0θ2π. So




so  0re-r2𝑑r=12. Hence


so I=π.