Quiz 3

  • 1.

    Surface tension Consider the surface S in 3 defined by the equation f(x,y,z)=1, where f(x,y,z)=x2-y+z3. Which of the following is not true?

    A) (2,-1,3) is a normal vector to S at (1,1,1),

    B) The tangent plane at (0,-1,0) is given by the equation y=-1,

    C) If (x,y,z) is in S then so is (-x,y,z),

    D) The curve γ:3, γ(t)=(sin2tcost,sin4t-1,sin2t) is contained in S,

    E) There exists a point (x,y,z) on S such that f=(0,0,0).

  • 2.

    Staying impartial Which of the following statements about a function f(x,y,z) of three variables is true?

    A) If fx=0 then f is constant, B) If fxy=0 then f depends only on x and y,

    C) If fxy=fxz=0 then fx is constant,

    D) If fxyz=0 then f=g(x,y)+h(x,z)+k(y,z) for some functions g,h,k.

    E) If fxxx=0 then f=g(y,z)+ax2+bx+c for some function g and a,b,c.

  • 3.

    Gradient test Which of the following vector-valued functions 𝐟=(f1,f2,f3) can not be expressed as ϕ for some ϕ?

    A) 𝐟=(3x2y-3yz-x,x3-3xz+y2z2,x-3xy+y3z), B) 𝐟=(1x+y+z,1x+y+z,1x+y+z),

    C) 𝐟=((y+xy3z)exy2z,(x+2x2y2z)exy2z,x2y3exy2z), D) 𝐟=(yzx,xzy,xyz),

    E) 𝐟=(cosxcosytanz,-sinxsinytanz,sinxcosysec2z).

  • 4.

    From one chain rule… Let γ:3 be a parametrized curve, let f(x,y,z) be a function and let F(t)=f(γ(t)). Which of the following statements is not true?

    A) If f(γ(t0))=0, then F(t0)=0, B) If F(t0)=0 then f(γ(t0))=0,

    C) For any point (x,y,z) the direction of the rate of greatest increase of f is opposite to the direction of the rate of greatest decrease,

    D) If F(t) is constant then the image of γ lies in a surface of the form f(x,y,z)=c,

    E) The tangent line to γ at γ(t0) is parallel to γ(t0).

  • 5.

    … to another Let x=rcosθ, y=rsinθ. Which of the following statements is not true?

    A) fθ=-yfx+xfy, B) fx=frcosθ-1rfθsinθ, C) fr=-fxsinθ+fycosθ,

    D) If (fxfy)=(0  0) then (frfθ)=(0  0), E) fy=yx2+y2fr+xx2+y2fθ.


Assessed Exercises 3

  • 1.

    (3 marks) Find the equations of the normal line l and the tangent plane to the surface xyz=6 at (3,2,1).

  • 2.

    (2 marks) Show that if f=f(x,y) and fyy=0, then  f(x,y)=g(x)y+h(x)  for some functions g, h. (Start by stating the form taken by fy.)

  • 3.

    (5 marks) Show that 𝒈(x,y,z)=(yz2+3,xz2+2z+1, 2xyz+2y) can be expressed as ϕ for a function ϕ, and find ϕ.

  • 4.

    Bonus question Let J1=(xuxvyuyv) and J2=(uwuzvwvz) be Jacobian matrices (respectively for x and y in terms of u,v; and for u and v in terms of w, z).

    Show that J1J2 is the Jacobian matrix for x and y in terms of w,z.