Quiz 2

  • 1.

    Lines and planes Which of the following statements is TRUE?

    A) There is a unique curve passing through any two points in 2,

    B) There is a unique plane passing through any two points in 3,

    C) Any plane in 3 has a unique normal vector,

    D) For each pair of non-zero vectors 𝐮,𝐯 in 3, there exists λ such that 𝐮-λ𝐯 is orthogonal to 𝐯,

    E) Vectors 𝐮,𝐯 in 3 are orthogonal if and only if 𝐮=λ𝐯 for some λ.

  • 2.

    Thinking about gradients The following is a sketch of the derivative f(x) of a function f(x) (not of f itself!).

     \curve (10,100,20,81,30,64,40,49,50,36,60,25,70,16,80,9,90,4,100,1, 110,0,120,1,130,4,140,9,150,16,160,25,170,36,180,49,190,64,200,81,210,100)  \curve (-10,0,230,0)  \curve (0,-10,0,120)  \curve (0 ,0,-4,-2)  \curve (0,0,-4,2)  \curve (0,0,2,-4)  \curve (0,0,-2,-4)  y  x   α 

    Which of the following best describes the point α?

    A) A local minimum, B) A local maximum, C) A saddle point,

    D) It’s not a stationary point, E) It’s impossible to tell.

  • 3.

    Turning points How many turning points does the polynomial f(x)=x5-10x3+25x+4 have?

    A) 1, B) 2, C) 3, D) 4, E) 5.

  • 4.

    Arc length Let γ:2, t(3t2+1,3t3-t-1). What is the length of the curve between the points t=0 and t=1?

    A) 13, B) 4, C) 3/4, D) 2, E) 1.

  • 5.

    Tangent line What is the equation of the tangent line to the parametrized curve γ:2, γ(t)=(t3+3,et) at the point γ(1)?

    A) 3x+ey=e2+12, B) y-1x-3=e-1, C) ex-3y=e, D) y-ex-2=e2, E) y=ex+e+1.

Assessed Exercises

  • 1.

    (2 marks) Let γ:2 be the plane curve given by γ(t)=(3tanht,2secht). Show that the image of γ is contained in an ellipse, and determine the equation of the ellipse. Is the image the whole ellipse?

  • 2.

    A metal bar has one end fixed at the origin, and rotates anti-clockwise at a constant rate of ω radians per second; at time t=0 it points along the x-axis. A beetle, starting at the origin, walks along the bar at a constant speed of v metres per second.

    a) (1 mark) What is its position at time t?

    b) (2 marks) What is its acceleration at time t?

    c) (2 marks) The beetle will stop walking when the magnitude of its acceleration is 4vω m s-2. At what distance along the bar will it stop?

  • 3.

    (3 marks) Calculate the length of the curve γ:2, γ(t)=(4cosht,3sinht+5t) between the points γ(0) and γ(1).

Bonus question. Let S be the surface in 3 defined by z=1/(x2+y2). By introducing the auxiliary variable u=x2+y2, or otherwise, show that the minimum distance of a point on S from the origin is 3/23.