Quiz 1

  • 1.

    Normal of a plane Let W be the plane in 3-space that goes through the points P=(2,1,-2), Q=(1,1,3) and R=(-1,0,2). A normal of W is given by

    A) (0-4  4); B) (2  8  2); C) (-2-1  0); D) (5-11  1); E) (3  3  3).

  • 2.

    Coordinates If ABCD is a parallelogram, then the coordinates of the point D are

    A) (2-1  0); B) (4  2  3); C) (3  5  3); D) (5  4  2); E) (2-3  1).

  • 3.

    Area The area of the parallelogram ABCD is

    A) 27; B) 5; C) 23; D) 17; E) 26.





  • 4.

    Vector operations Which of the following statements about vectors 𝐮, 𝐯 in n is false?

    A) 𝐮(𝐯+𝐰)=𝐮𝐯+𝐮𝐰; B) 𝐮×(𝐯×𝐰)=(𝐮×𝐯)×𝐰; C) 𝐮×(𝐯+𝐰)=𝐮×𝐯+𝐮×𝐰; D) (-𝐮)×𝐯=𝐮×(-𝐯); E) (𝐮×𝐯)𝐮=0.

  • 5.

    Vector analysis Which of the following statements about vectors 𝐮, 𝐯 in n is false?

    A) 𝐮(𝐮+2𝐯)=|𝐮+𝐯|2-|𝐯|2; B) If 𝐮𝐯>0 then |𝐮||𝐯|>0;

    C) (𝐮-𝐯)(𝐮+𝐯)|𝐮|2; D) |𝐮+𝐯|2+|𝐮-𝐯|2=2|𝐮|2+2|𝐯|2;

    E) If 𝐮 and 𝐯 are non-zero vectors then |𝐮+𝐯|2>0.


Assessed Exercises 1

  • 1.

    (2 marks) Let 𝐮 and 𝐯 be two vectors in n. Show that 𝐮 and 𝐯 are orthogonal vectors if and only if |𝐮+𝐯|2=|𝐮-𝐯|2.

  • 2.

    (3 marks) Let 𝐮 and 𝐯 be two vectors in n. Use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to prove the triangle inequality for vectors: |𝐮+𝐯||𝐮|+|𝐯|.

  • 3.

    (2 marks) Find the angle between a diagonal of a cube and one of its edges.

  • 4.

    (3 marks) (i) Show that if 𝐮, 𝐯 are vectors in n and 𝐯 is non-zero, then 𝐮-𝐮𝐯|𝐯|2𝐯 is orthogonal to 𝐯.

    (ii) Draw a diagram of 𝐮, 𝐯 and 𝐮-𝐮𝐯|𝐯|2𝐯.