MATH114 Integration and Differentiation

Written Assessment 2 – Solutions


  • A2.1

    Prove Proposition 2.1.4: If a series is convergent/divergent then so is any other series formed from it by altering only finitely many summands. [4]

    Consider a series n=1an and denote (as always) the sequence of partial sums by (An)n, where An=i=1nan.

    Let us now alter a finite number of summands an; more precisely, let an be numbers such that an=an for all n except for a finite number of n where anan. Then there will be N such that an=an, for all n>N. [1]

    We are interested in the series n=1an. Let us look at the difference of partial sums:


    Now all the summands with n>N are 0. Thus there is a number c such that An-An=c, for all n>N. [1]

    Therefore, if n=1an converges, meaning that (An)n converges, then (An)n converges as well with


    (according to general statements from MATH113), so that n=1an converges, too. [1]

    Since, the other way round, n=1an is obtained from n=1an by altering finitely many summands, we find that, if n=1an converges then n=1an converges; in summary, n=1an converges if and only if n=1an converges.

    The statement of divergence is just the contrapositive of this one, namely n=1an diverges if and only if n=1an diverges. [1]

  • A2.2

    No model solutions provided for essays. [6]

Quiz 2 – Solutions

  • Q2.1

    Which of the following statements is false?

    (C) The product of two uniformly continuous functions is not necessarily uniformly continuous. Here is a counter-example: consider the function f: defined by f(x)=x, and let g=f. Then f is uniformly continuous as, for every ε>0, we can choose δ=ε to satisfy the criterion of uniform continuity in Definition 1.1.7. However, fg: is given by (fg)(x)=x2, which is continuous but not uniformly continuous, see W1.1 Solutions.

  • Q2.2

    Given two continuous functions f,g:I on a compact interval I. Which of the following relations is true?

    (A) maxxI(f(x)+g(x))maxxIf(x)+maxxIg(x). In fact, from the definition of the maximum we get


    which can be rewritten with a constant function on the right:


    Taking the maximum on both sides gives

  • Q2.3

    Let f:I be a continuous function and I compact. Let n(f) and un(f) be the integrals of the lower and upper, respectively, approximating step function of f after n bisections. Then which of the following statements is true?

    (C) (un(f))n and (n(f))n converge to the same limit point. This is part of Theorem 1.2.12. The limit defines the integral of f.

  • Q2.4

    Consider the function g:[-1,1],g(x)=x3. What are the values of the integrals of the approximating steps functions after n=2 bisections, 2(g) and u2(g)?

    (A) -12 and 12. In fact, after n=2 bisections of the interval [-1,1], we have 4 intervals of length 12, and we find for the lower approximating step function according to Definition 1.2.11:




    Analogously, the upper approximating step function is


    This implies

  • Q2.5

    Consider the function f:[-π,π],f(x)=cos2(x). What are the values of the integrals of the approximating steps functions after n=3 bisections, 3(f) and u3(f)?

    (D) π2 and 3π2. This is calculated by the same procedure as Q2.4.