MATH114 Integration and Differentiation

Problem Solving Class 3


  • Step 1

    Name a function f0:[-1,1] which is everywhere continuous but not everywhere differentiable. Do you think a function could exist which is everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable?

  • Step 2

    Write down a function f1:[-1,1] with the following properties:

    • f1 is continuous,

    • f1 is not differentiable at -12,0,12,

    • |f1(x)|=12 at all points x where f1 is differentiable.

    Start graphically using step 1 and remembering how to express continuity and differentiability graphically, then turn it into a formula.

  • Step 3

    Generalising step 2, draw the graph of a function fn:[-1,1] with the following properties:

    • fn is continuous,

    • fn is not differentiable at {k2n:k=-2n+1,,2n-2,2n-1},

    • |fn(x)|=12n at all points x where fn is differentiable.

    Do that for a few n of your choice and notice that n=1 gives back the function in step 2. It would be helpful to construct the family (fn)n in a somehow consistent recursive way.

  • Step 4

    Translate the graphs of fn into a proper definition of fn.

  • Step 5

    Find a function F:[-1,1] which is nowhere differentiable, i.e., where the points of non-differentiability lie infinitely close to one another. Justify briefly but do not try to prove all the details.

  • Step 6

    Can you draw the graph of the function F in step 6? What does that tell you about “graphical proofs” for functions?