MATH114 Integration and Differentiation

Problem Solving Class 1


Let f:[a,b] be a continuous function. Let us write (f,[a,b],n,) and u(f,[a,b],n,) for the lower and upper approximating step functions, respectively, see Definition 1.2.11.

  • Step 1

    What do you think why “approximating step functions” are called the way they are?

  • Step 2

    Draw the graph of


    Include the graphs of the approximating step functions u(f,[a,b],n,) and (f,[a,b],n,) for n=1,2,3. What do they approximate? Can you tell from the graph in what sense they approximate it?

  • Step 3

    Consider the function


    and also the following two sequences of functions (gn)n and (g~n)n (rather than the usual sequences of real numbers) defined as follows:




    Explain if and in what sense the two sequences (gn)n and (g~n)n converge to g. Which one would you call “pointwise convergent” and which one “uniformly convergent”? Why?

  • Step 4

    Using the intuition from step 3, can you suggest a general formal definition of what it means for a sequence of functions to be “uniformly convergent” to some other function (without looking up the proper definition on Wikipedia)? Compare your suggestions.

  • Step 5

    Can you now formulate a precise statement of how the approximating step functions (f,[a,b],n,) and u(f,[a,b],n,), n, approximate f? Make a conjecture based on steps 2 and 4.

  • Step 6

    Prove your conjecture in step 5.