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2.1 Series versus sequence

Given a sequence (an)n in , we can write


for every fixed n: we take the sum of the first n terms of the sequence by induction. But can we also study expressions of the form


where the implication is that the addition goes on forever? What does this mean? Summing up all terms of the sequence? Nobody (and no computer) can actually perform infinitely many additions. In the same way as a does not exist as a term of the sequence (an)n, we cannot sum up infinitely many terms. Consider an example:


Here the “running total” is successively 12, 34, 78, 1516, …, and these numbers tend to 1 according to MATH113. What mathematical concept does this remind you of?

Sums have always finitely many summands, so we need to properly define what we mean by these “infinite sums” in general. How to do this? And how to compute it afterwards? Given a1, a2, a3, …in , let


be the so-called n-th partial sum. If the sequence (An)n tends to a limit as n, we could say


We formalise this in the following definition:

Definition 2.1.1.

Given a sequence (an)n in , the corresponding series is the formal expression i=1an=a1+a2+a3+.

  • The series is said to be convergent if the sequence of partial sums (i=1nai)n converges, and in this case we call this limit the sum of the series and write


    so we can identify the series with a real number;

  • otherwise, the series i=1ai is divergent and remains a formal expression with no associated real number.

Comment: Be careful: like a sequence, a series may converge or diverge, but so far we have no connection between the convergence/divergence of a sequence and the convergence/divergence of the corresponding series!

We can relate these terms as follows:

original sequence (an)n

sequence of partial sums (An)n=(i=1nai)n

series i=1ai

You can move forward and backward between them.

Example 2.1.2.
  • Given a sequence like (12n)n, the corresponding sequence of partial sums is determined by


    The last equality is proved by induction, MATH101. We know from MATH113 that An11-12-1=1 as n, so the corresponding series i=112i converges and i=112i=1.

  • Given a series like i=11i, the corresponding original sequence is (1n)n, and the sequence of partial sums (1+12++1n)n.

  • Given a sequence of partial sums (An)n=(1n)n, the corresponding original sequence must have been (an)n, where a1=1 and an=1n-1n-1, for all n2. This is so because An+1=An+an+1, so an+1=An+1-An=1n+1-1n. Since the sequence of partial sums


    converges to 0, the corresponding series i=1ai converges and i=1ai=0. Notice that we have not said anything about the series n=11n and in fact it will be shown in Proposition 2.2.4 that the latter one diverges.

  • Some more examples:

Now some elementary facts that follow at once from the corresponding statements about limits:

Proposition 2.1.3.

Suppose we have two convergent series n=1an and n=1bn. Then:

  • (i)

    n=1can=cn=1an for every constant c;

  • (ii)


  • (iii)

    if anbn for all n then n=1ann=1bn.


Exercise X. ∎

Proposition 2.1.4.

If a series is convergent/divergent then so is any other series formed from it by altering only finitely many summands.


Exercise A2.1. ∎

Proposition 2.1.5 (Basic non-convergence test).

Let (an)nN be a sequence. Then

if an↛0 as n then the series n=1an is divergent.

Comment: This is useful in order to tell with certainty if a series diverges – but it does not always detect divergence.


We prove the contrapositive: if n=1an converges then an0 as n. In fact, notice that, if the series converges then by definition the sequence of partial sums (An)n converges, say to some number A, so


proving our claim. ∎

Example 2.1.6.

Let an=n-12n+1. Then n=1an is divergent, because

an=1-1/n2+1/n120  asn.
Example 2.1.7.

Consider the series n=1cosn. The summands somehow cancel with each other so the series should converge, right? However, we see that cosn↛0 as n. More precisely, for every N, you can find n>N such that cosn>12. Thus the basic non-convergence test shows that n=1cosn diverges.

What about n=1cos(nπ) instead? Well, we know that cos(nπ)=(-1)n. However, (-1)n↛0 as n0, so n=1cos(nπ)=n=1(-1)n diverges, too.

Exercise A3.2.

Write an essay on the relation between sequences and series. Use your own words, examples and illustrations. Be mathematically correct and precise. 200-300 words, excluding mathematical symbols or pictures.