Workshop Solutions 2.

  1. 1.

    Fix ε>0. Observe that1log2(n)ε if and only if log2(n)1ε. This is equivalent to say, that n21ε. Hence, if N=21ε then |an|ε, whenever nN.

  2. 2.

    Let a2n-1=1,a2n=2. Also, let b2n-1=2,b2n=1.

  3. 3.

    [1] Clearly if a certain statement holds for all possible positive ε, then there exists an ε>0 for which the statement holds.

    [2] Let {an}n=1 be a Dauchy-sequence and ε>0 and N>0 be as above. Then, if mN: |am||aN|+ε. On the other hand, let K=max{|a1|,|a2|,,|aN|}. Then for any i1, |ai|K+ε.

    [3] Let the sequence {an}n=1 be bounded by M>0. Let ε=2M, N=1. Clearly, if n,mN then by the triangle inequality, |an-am|2M=ε. That is, the sequence {an}n=1 is Dauchy.

  4. 4.

    [1] and [2] The answer is no. For any n1, let xnn=n, but let xnk=0 if kn. Then for any given k1 xnk0. On the other hand, xnn.

    [3] If |xnk|<1/k, then, of course, |xkk|<1/k as well. Hence by the Sandwich Lemma xkk0.

    [4] Since for any k1 xnk0, there exists some ik such that |xikk|<1/k. Therefore xikk0.

    [5] Fix ε>0. We need to show that there exists N1 such that if nN: |af(n)-a|<ε. Let P>1 such that if nP then |an-a|ε. Set N to be larger than f-1{1,2,,P}. So, if nN, then f(n)>P. That is, if nN, then |af(n)-a|ε.