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Let be the set of all natural numbers, 1,2,3,4,. We define a notion of “distance” on the natural numbers based on their similarities. Two natural numbers are “close” if they are very similar to each other looking at them from the right.

Definition 1.

Let m,n be natural numbers. Their 10-adic distance is defined the following way: 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(10)(m,n)=10-k if the last k-digits of m and n are the same, but their k+1-th digits are different. E.g. 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(10)(3,5)=1, 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(10)(245,1145)=1100.

Problem 1.

  • Show that dist(10)(m,n)=10-k if and only if 10km-n, but 10k+1m-n.

  • Show that dist(10) is “really” a distance, that is for a,b,c:
    dist(10)(a,b)+dist(10)(b,c)dist(10)(a,c) triangle inequality holds.
    Also, dist(10)(a,b)=dist(10)(b,a).

  • Is it possible that for a,b,c, all the distances dist(10)(a,b),dist(10)(a,c),dist(10)(b,c) are different?

Definition 2.

Let {an}n=1N be a sequence of natural numbers. We say that {an}n=1 is convergent to aN in the 10-adic distance, if for any ε>0 there exists an N>0 such that if nN, then 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(10)(an,a)ε. We denote that by anda. (Do not forget the little d !!!)

Problem 2.

  • Explain convergence using divisibility by the powers of 10.

  • Construct a sequence {an}n=1 of different numbers such that and173.

  • Construct a sequence {bn}n=1 such that an+1d0.

Problem 3. Let {an}n=1 converge to a and {an}n=1 converge to b (in our new sense!!). Show that {an+bn}n=1 converges to a+b and {anbn}n=1 converges to ab. Problem 4. Similarly to the real numbers we can define Cauchy-sequences (in the 10-adic sense):

Definition 3.

{an}n=1 is a Cauchy-sequence, if for any ε>0 there exists some N>0 such that if n,mN, then 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡(10)(m,n)ε.

  • How can you visualize “Cauchy-ness”? Can you explain it without using epsilons? Could you give some examples of Cauchy-sequences of natural numbers that are not convergent?

  • Show that if {an}n=1, {bn}n=1 are Cauchy-sequences then both {an+bn}n=1 and {anbn}n=1 are Cauchy-sequences.