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4.5 Lowest common multiples

In this section we shall take a brief look at common multiples.

Definition 4.5.1

Given a,b{0}a,b\in\mathbb{Z}\setminus\{0\}, an integer cc is called a common multiple of aa and bb if it is a multiple of both aa and bb, that is, if a|ca|c and b|cb|c.

Example 4.5.2

The sets of multiples of 66 and 99 are

{0,±6,±12,±18,±24,±30,±36,}\{0,\pm 6,\pm 12,\pm 18,\pm 24,\pm 30,\pm 36,\dots\}


{0,±9,±18,±27,±36,±45,},\{0,\pm 9,\pm 18,\pm 27,\pm 36,\pm 45,\dots\},

respectively; thus the set of common multiples of 66 and 99 is

{0,±18,±36,}.\{0,\pm 18,\pm 36,\dots\}.

The set of positive common multiples of aa and bb is non-empty (as it contains |ab||ab|, for example), so it has a smallest element. This observation enables us to make the following important definition.

Definition 4.5.3

Given a,b{0}a,b\in\mathbb{Z}\setminus\{0\}, the smallest element of the set of positive common multiples of aa and bb is called their lowest common multiple, abbreviated lcm; we denote it by lcm(a,b)\mathrm{lcm}(a,b).

Example 4.5.4

From the set of common multiples of 66 and 99 found above, we see that lcm(6,9)=18.\mathrm{lcm}(6,9)=18.

The following result links the highest common factor and the lowest common multiple of two natural numbers.

Theorem 4.5.5

Let a,ba,b\in\mathbb{N}. Then


and any common multiple of aa and bb is a multiple of lcm(a,b)\mathrm{lcm}(a,b).

Example 4.5.6

We have hcf(18,30)=6\mathrm{hcf}(18,30)=6, so

lcm(18,30)=18306=90.\mathrm{lcm}(18,30)=\frac{18\cdot 30}{6}=90.

Proof. Let d=hcf(a,b)d=\mathrm{hcf}(a,b), and write a=dαa=d\alpha and b=dβb=d\beta, where α,β\alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{N}. Corollary 4.4.6 and Theorem 4.2.17 imply that there are integers rr and ss such that rα+sβ=1r\alpha+s\beta=1. We shall show that ab/dab/d is the lowest common multiple of aa and bb. Since

abd=dαbd=αb  and  abd=adβd=aβ,\frac{ab}{d}=\frac{d\alpha b}{d}=\alpha b\qquad\text{and}\qquad\frac{ab}{d}=% \frac{ad\beta}{d}=a\beta,

we see that ab/dab/d\in\mathbb{N} and that ab/dab/d is a common multiple of aa and bb.

Suppose that cc\in\mathbb{N} is a common multiple of aa and bb. Then c=mac=ma and c=nbc=nb for some m,nm,n\in\mathbb{N}, and we have

c\displaystyle c =c1=c(rα+sβ)\displaystyle=c\cdot 1=c(r\alpha+s\beta)
=crα+csβ=nbrα+masβ\displaystyle=cr\alpha+cs\beta=nb\cdot r\alpha+ma\cdot s\beta
=nrαb+msaβ=(nr+ms)abd.\displaystyle=nr\cdot\alpha b+ms\cdot a\beta=(nr+ms)\frac{ab}{d}. (4.5.1)

Hence ab/dab/d divides cc. Since cc is positive, this implies that ab/dcab/d\leqslant c, and so ab/dab/d is the smallest positive common multiple of aa and bb, that is, the lowest common multiple of aa and bb. Moreover, (4.5) shows that ab/dab/d divides any common multiple of aa and bb. \Box

Thus the common multiples of aa and bb are precisely the multiples of their lowest common multiple, just as their common factors are precisely the factors of their highest common factor. Note that since replacing aa or bb with its negative has no effect on the set of common multiples, and thus does not change the lowest common multiple, this result easily extends to any a,b{0}a,b\in\mathbb{Z}\setminus\{0\}.

Example 4.5.7

We have lcm(-18,30)=lcm(18,-30)=lcm(-18,-30)=90.\mathrm{lcm}(-18,30)=\mathrm{lcm}(18,-30)=\mathrm{lcm}(-18,-30)=90.