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3 Functions for Matrices

The determinant of a square matrix can be computed in R by using the function det for instance


The transpose of a matrix can be obtained by using t() e.g.


The inverse of a square matrix can be obtained by using the function solve



Quiz 1: Inverting a 5×5 matrix

Find the inverse of the matrix

  1. (A)
  2. (B)
  3. (C)
  4. (D)
  5. (E)



Workshop 1: Determinant of a matrix

Find the determinant of the 10×10 matrix of the form:




Workshop 2: Inverse of a matrix

Find the inverse of the matrix 𝐕 defined in the previous question. Find the (7,8) element of 𝐕-1 to 3 decimal places.



Workshop 3: Determinants of large matrix

Consider other matrices of the same general form as 𝐕. What size n of n×n matrix leads to a matrix with determinant 190231?



Workshop 4: Largest determinant of a 3×3 matrix

What is the largest possible determinant that a symmetric 3×3 matrix, all of whose entries lie in the set of integers {1,2,3,4,5,6} can have? Use R to determine the answer.