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4.2. Determinants of square matrices

The algorithm for computing determinants of square matrices will be given inductively on the size n of the matrix. That is, we will find determinants of large matrices by computing the determinants of several smaller “sub-matrices”. In the smallest case, n=1, the determinant is “equal” to the matrix, since there is only one coefficient. We also know the determinant of a 2×2 matrix (Definition 4.1.1). Before giving the full definition, let us first state the formula for the determinant of a 3×3 matrix.

Definition 4.2.1 (Determinant of a 3×3 matrix).

Let A=(abcdefghi)M3(). Then,


It is a good exercise to check that the following holds, which expresses the 3×3 determinant in terms of three 2×2 determinants:


This rearranged expression is called the expansion of detA about the first row of A. An analogous formula will be used to define 4×4 determinants, and higher. Let us point out two things about this expression:

  • The signs alternate, (+a,-b,+c) and

  • each element is multiplied by the determinant of the 2×2 matrix obtained by crossing out the row and column containing that element.

For example, the (1,2) coefficient b of A multiplies the determinant


which is obtained by excluding the first row and second column of A.

Notation 4.2.2.

To define determinants for larger matrices, we will make use of the following notation. If AMn(), then A[i,j]Mn-1() is the matrix obtained by deleting the i-th row and j-th column.

Example 4.2.3.

  • As an example of this notation, let A=(123456789). Then we have

Remark 4.2.4.

One could also check that the following expression holds:


This is called the expansion of detA about the first column, analogous to the situation above. For example, the third matrix is obtained from A by deleting the row and column containing g.

Now we are ready to inductively define the determinant and cofactor for any size matrix. Since we already have a definition of a determinant of a size 2 matrix (detA=ad-bc), we will use that to define the determinant of a size 3 matrix, and then use that to define the determinant of size 4, etc.

Definition 4.2.5 (Determinant of an n×n matrix).

Let A=(aij)Mn(), and let 1i,jn. Assume that the determinant of any (n-1)×(n-1) matrix is defined.

  1. (i)

    The cofactor of the coefficient aij is the following expression


    where A[i,j]Mn-1() is as in Notation 4.2.2.

  2. (ii)

    The determinant of A is


    This is the expansion of detA about the first row of A. Equivalently, we can expand about any row or any column. That is, for any given 1kn, we have

  3. (iii)

    This expansion of the determinant in terms of its cofactors Aij is called a cofactor expansion.

Remark 4.2.6.

We will also call det(A[i,j]) (without the sign (-1)i+j) the minor of the coefficient aij.

One can check that the computation of detA for a matrix of size 2 or 3 matches that obtained using Definitions 4.1.1 and 4.2.1.

Example 4.2.7.

  • Let A=(123456789), let’s compute the determinant of A, by using the cofactor expansion of the first row. First we compute the cofactors of the coefficients of the first row, a11,a12, and a13, as follows:


    The cofactor expansion tells us that determinant of A is

Remark 4.2.8.

The sign (-1)i+j showing up in the cofactor may be remembered using the “chess-board” pattern:


In particular, note that the sign of the cofactor of a diagonal coefficient is always positive. Hence, such a cofactor is always equal to its minor.

Example 4.2.9.

  • It is a good exercise to check that in the 3×3 case, it doesn’t matter which row or column we choose to expand, the resulting expression is always the same as Definition 4.2.1. For example, given the following matrix, expand the second column:

    A=(abcdefghi)so the cofactor expansion isbA12+eA22+hA32.

    Recall that Aij refers to the cofactor, Aij=(-1)i+jdet(A[i,j]). So the above expression becomes


Example 4.2.10.

  • Now let us consider a 4×4 matrix. We will shortly come back to this same example in order to see how the computation of determinants can be simplified further.


    Since detA can be computed by expanding about any row or column of A, let us take the “easiest one”. As the third row has only two non-zero terms, let us expand about it. So, we get


    So we have reduced the computation to two 3×3 determinants, call them D1 and D2. Expanding both of them about their first columns, we get


    So the determinant of the 4×4 matrix A is equal to 6.