Write the matrix where .
Let with coefficients for all .
Write down .
Calculate .
Calculate where .
Let . Calculate the scalar product and the products and .
Let be an integer and . Write for the identity matrix. Prove that the scalar product
where is the transpose of .
Calculate all possible products of pairs of elements (possibly equal) taken among the following matrices:
Calculate all the possible products of pairs of elements (possibly equal) taken among the following matrices:
Calculate all the products of two elements (possibly equal) taken among the following matrices:
Verify that
Let .
Calculate , and .
Find the pattern, and state for all .
Let .
Find and .
What is the pattern? Give an expression for for all .
Let with coefficients
Write down .
Calculate .
Find the smallest positive integer such that is the zero matrix.
Let .
Find the transpose of .
Calculate and .
Let for some .
Prove that the matrix is symmetric, and that is skew-symmetric.
Find matrices and in such that is symmetric, is skew-symmetric and .
For an arbitrary matrix , find matrices and in such that is symmetric, is skew-symmetric and .
The trace of a square matrix is the sum
Calculate the trace of the identity matrix of size .
Let . Prove that .
Do there exist matrices such that and all of the coefficients of and are non-zero? If so, give an example of such matrices. If not, then give a proof.
Find at least two matrices which obey , where is the identity matrix.
Assume is a matrix obeying , such that all four of its coefficients are integers. One such matrix is . Are there any other examples? Write down as many as you can. Can you prove you have found them all?
Given a smooth function , in multivariable calculus the Jacobian matrix of is the matrix of partial derivatives: . For example, if then
Write the Jacobian matrix of the following functions:
If and , then the chain rule in multivariable calculus says that the Jacobian matrix of at a point is the matrix product of the Jacobians of and : . This generalises the usual chain rule of single-variable calculus.
If and , then use the multivariable chain rule to find the Jacobian matrix of . Check your answer by directly computing the Jacobian matrix of
Give an example of a square matrix , of any size, such that , but .
Let be a square matrix. We can define the exponential of a matrix to be the infinite series
This infinite series always converges to some square matrix. Find the matrix , when is each of the following matrices: