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1.6. Exercises

Exercise 1.6.1.

Write the 2×4 matrix A=(aij) where aij=2+i-2j.

Exercise 1.6.2.

Let AM3() with coefficients  aij=2-i2+j for all 1i,j3.

  1. (i)

    Write down A.

  2. (ii)

    Calculate A3.

Exercise 1.6.3.

Calculate -2A+3B where A=(12-10-31),B=(042-240).

Exercise 1.6.4.

Let v=(123),w=(-321)andA=(01-12-13111). Calculate the scalar product vw and the products Av and Aw.

Exercise 1.6.5.

Let n1 be an integer and v,wn. Write In for the identity n×n matrix. Prove that the scalar product

vwis equal to the product of the matricesvtInw

where vtM1×n() is the transpose of v.

Exercise 1.6.6.

Calculate all possible products of pairs of elements (possibly equal) taken among the following matrices:

Exercise 1.6.7.

Calculate all the possible products of pairs of elements (possibly equal) taken among the following matrices:

Exercise 1.6.8.

Calculate all the products of two elements (possibly equal) taken among the following matrices:

A=(32-7)  B=(102-10)  C=(2-1031-4)  D=(12354321).
Exercise 1.6.9.

Verify that



Exercise 1.6.10.

Let A=(01-11)M2().

  1. (i)

    Calculate A2,A3,A4,A5, and A6.

  2. (ii)

    Find the pattern, and state An for all n.

Exercise 1.6.11.

Let A=12(1-331)M2().

  1. (i)

    Find A2,A3,A4,A5,A6, and A7.

  2. (ii)

    What is the pattern? Give an expression for An for all n.

Exercise 1.6.12.

Let BM4() with coefficients bij={0ifijj-iifi<j

  1. (i)

    Write down B.

  2. (ii)

    Calculate (B+Bt)2.

  3. (iii)

    Find the smallest positive integer n such that Bn is the zero matrix.

Exercise 1.6.13.

Let A=(12-320032120000-12-1200-1212).

  1. (i)

    Find the transpose At of A.

  2. (ii)

    Calculate A+At and AAt.

Exercise 1.6.14.

Let AMn() for some n1.

  1. (i)

    Prove that the matrix (A+At) is symmetric, and that (A-At) is skew-symmetric.

  2. (ii)

    Find matrices B and C in M2() such that B is symmetric, C is skew-symmetric and B+C=(1201).

  3. (iii)

    For an arbitrary matrix AMn(), find matrices B and C in Mn() such that B is symmetric, C is skew-symmetric and A=B+C.

Exercise 1.6.15.

The trace of a square matrix A=(aij)Mn() is the sum

tr(A)=1inaiiof its diagonal coefficients.
  1. (i)

    Calculate the trace tr(In) of the identity matrix of size n.

  2. (ii)

    Let A,BMn(). Prove that tr(AB)=tr(BA).

Exercise 1.6.16.

Do there exist matrices A,BM2×2() such that AB=0 and all of the coefficients of A and B are non-zero? If so, give an example of such matrices. If not, then give a proof.

Exercise 1.6.17.

Find at least two matrices AM2×2() which obey A2=(-1)I2, where I2 is the 2×2 identity matrix.

Exercise 1.6.18.

Assume A is a 2×2 matrix obeying A2=I2, such that all four of its coefficients are integers. One such matrix is A=I2. Are there any other examples? Write down as many as you can. Can you prove you have found them all?

Exercise 1.6.19 (Jacobian matrix).

Given a smooth function F:nm, in multivariable calculus the Jacobian matrix of F is the m×n matrix of partial derivatives: JF=(Fi/xj). For example, if F(x,y)=(x2,xy2) then


Write the Jacobian matrix of the following functions:

  1. (i)

    F(x,y)=(x3y,siny)  (JFM2×2())

  2. (ii)

    F(x,y,z)=xyz  (JFM1×3())

  3. (iii)

    F(x)=(x,x2,x3)  (JFM3×1())

Exercise 1.6.20 (Multivariable chain rule).

If F:nm and G:mp, then the chain rule in multivariable calculus says that the Jacobian matrix of GF at a point Pn is the matrix product of the Jacobians of G and F: JG(F(P))JF(P). This generalises the usual chain rule of single-variable calculus.

If F(x,y)=(x2,y3) and G(x,y)=(xy,x+y), then use the multivariable chain rule to find the Jacobian matrix of GF. Check your answer by directly computing the Jacobian matrix of (GF)(x,y)=(x2y3,x2+y3)

Exercise 1.6.21.

Give an example of a square matrix A, of any size, such that A40, but A5=0.

Exercise 1.6.22 (Exponential of a matrix).

Let AMn() be a square matrix. We can define the exponential of a matrix to be the infinite series


This infinite series always converges to some square matrix. Find the matrix eA, when A is each of the following matrices:

  1. (i)


  2. (ii)


  3. (iii)


  4. (iv)
