Workshop solutions for Math 103 Probability: Week 13

  1. 1.
    1. (a)

      A random variable R is a function R:Ω.

    2. (b)

      The induced sample space 𝒮 is the range of values taken by the random variable R defined on Ω, that is 𝒮={R(ω):ωΩ}.

    3. (c)

      The probability mass function of a discrete random variable, R, is defined by

      pR(r)=P(R=r) for r=0,1,2,.
    4. (d)

      The cumulative distribution function of a random variable R is a function F: given by

    5. (e)

      The expected value of a discrete random variable R is

    6. (f)

      The variance of a random variable R is

    7. (g)

      The standard deviation of R is the square root of the variance.

  2. 2.
    1. (a)
    2. (b)
      F(r)=P(Rr)=s=0rpR(r)={0 for r0r8 for 1r81 for r8.
  3. 3.
    E[g(R)+h(R)] = r=0[g(r)+h(r)]pR(r)def E
    = r=0[g(r)pR(r)+h(r)pR(r)]
    = r=0g(r)pR(r)+r=0h(r)pR(r)lin Σ
    = E[g(r)]+E[h(r)],def E
    E[cg(r)] = r=0cg(r)pR(r)def E
    = cr=0g(r)pR(r)common factor
    = =cE[g(r)],
  4. 4.
    P(X=x) = (20x)(0.2)x(0.8)20-x for x=0,1,,20
    E(X) = 20×0.2=4,
    P(X>2) = 1-P(X=0)-P(X=1)-P(X=2)
    = 0.794.


  5. 5.
    P(Rn) = r=npR(r)
    = r=n(1-θ)rθ
    = θ(1-θ)nr=0(1-θ)r
    = θ(1-θ)n1θ
    = (1-θ)n.
    P(R=n+r|Rn) = P(R=n+r and Rn)P(Rn)
    = P(R=n+r)P(Rn)
    = (1-θ)n+rθ(1-θ)n
    = (1-θ)rθ
    = pR(r)=P(R=r).

    Lack of memory in independent (biased) coin tosses, i.e. the information that you’ve had n tails previously tells you no more information about how many further coin tosses you need to wait before you see a head.