Quiz solutions for Math 103 Probability: Week 12

  1. 1.

    Find c (D)

  2. 2.

    Dice (D)

    P(R even) = P({R=2}{R=4}{R=6})
    = P(R=2)+P(R=4)+P(R=6)by Axiom 3
    = P({12,21,22})+P({14,41,24,42,34,43,44})+P({16,61,26,62,36,63,46,64,56,65,66})
    = 2136=712.
  3. 3.

    Variance (B)
    Var(R)=E[R2]-(E[R])2, so we need to calculate the two terms on the right hand side.
    E[R]=(1+2++10)×110=5.5 and E[R2]=(12+22++102)×110=38.5.
    Therefore Var(R)=38.5-(5.5)2=8.25.

  4. 4.

    Seeded Dice Throws (E)
    The code needed is


    rolls <-sample(1:6,200,replace=TRUE,prob=rep(1/6,6))


    This gives answer 35.

  5. 5.

    Simulating the Lottery (C)
    The sample space needs to be 1,2,..,59. The size needs to be 6.

    We sample without replacement i.e. replace=FALSE, since balls are not put back into the lottery once sampled.

    The probability set is (1/59,…,1/59) since all balls are equally likely to be drawn.

    Hence the answer is (C)