Home page for accesible maths 5 Models for discrete random variables

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5.8 Hypergeometric random variables (not examinable)

A lake contains an unknown number N of fish. A sample of n fish is drawn from the lake and each of these fish is marked and replaced. A week later a second sample of k fish is drawn from the lake and is found to include exactly m marked fish. We wish to know how many fish N there are in the lake. For example, if we marked n=20 fish, then came back and saw that m=8 out of k=32 fish we looked at were marked, it suggests that 8/32=1/4 of the fish in the lake were marked. If 20 is a a quarter of the fish in the lake, it suggests there were N=80 fish in the lake, but can we model this properly to work out how certain we are of our guess for N? To summarise:

  • N fish in the lake,

  • n are marked and replaced,

  • k drawn the second time of which R are observed to have been previously marked.

P(R=r) = ways of choosing r marked and k-r unmarkedways of choosing k
= (nr)(N-nk-r)(Nk).

Properties are more tricky mathematically than the Binomial or Poisson.

Example 5.25.

Assume that n=3 fish are marked, and that k=5 fish are drawn in the second catch, and there are N=7 fish in total Write down the pmf of R.


For r=1,2,3

pR(r) = (3r)(7-35-r)(75)
= 121(3r)(45-r)