Home page for accesible maths 5 Models for discrete random variables

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5.2 Discrete uniform random variables

Consider an experiment where the sample space is {0,1,,m} and the random variable R corresponds to an outcome being picked at random from the sample space. Each outcome is equi-probable. Examples include:

  • the score on a die with faces enumerated 0,…,5,

  • the number of heads on the toss of a fair coin,

  • the day of the year of a randomly selected person’s birthday (days numbered from 0 to 364)

Exercise 5.1.

Write down the pmf of a discrete uniform rv.


For r=0,1,,m,


Otherwise pR(r)=0.

Example 5.2.

Calculate the expectation and variance of a discrete uniform random variable.

E[R] = r=0rpR(r)
= r=0mr1m+1
= 1m+1r=0mr
= 1m+112m(m+1)=m2.

To find the variance we need E(R2):

E[R2] = r=0mr21m+1
= 1m+1r=0mr2
= 1m+116m(m+1)(2m+1)
= m(2m+1)6.


Var(R) = E[R2]-(E[R])2
= m(2m+1)6-m24
= m(m+2)12.