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4.1.1 Introductory examples of random variables

Discrete random variables arise in a variety of ways: From experiments

  • with a natural integer valued outcome

    • the number of buses to stop in the hour,

    • the number of goals in a football match.

  • with a continuous outcome which is recorded on an integer scale

    • heights, ages, salaries

  • with non-integer outcomes to which numerical values are assigned

    • a coin is tossed the outcome is H or T, converted to 1 and 0 respectively.

    • disease stage coded on a numerical scale (e.g. 1,2,…,5).

Exercise 4.2.

A coin is tossed 3 times. The sample space is


Define a rv giving the number of Hs thrown.


Define R(ω)=#H in ω.

Long hand:


The induced sample space for R is 𝒮={0,1,2,3}.

Example 4.3.

Suppose we decide to record the number of children born in the local maternity ward tomorrow as a probability experiment. Find a suitable sample space and random variable.


Any outcome is a non-negative integers, so a suitable sample space is Ω={0,1,2,}.

The rv is R(ω)=ω, giving the number of children born.

Suppose that A𝒮 is an event in the induced sample space. Then we write


In the 3 coins example above, we have that


The right hand side of these equations is an event in Ω and hence has a probability assigned to it. This induces a probability on the induced sample space

Exercise 4.4.

Suppose our sample space consists of the outcomes of throwing a fair die, and suppose we gamble on the outcome:

  • lose £1 if outcome is 1, 2 or 3;

  • win nothing if outcome is 4;

  • win £2 if outcome is 5 or 6.

Define R to be the random variable giving the profit. Find the induced sample space for R, and evaluate the probabilities on the induced sample space.


Ω={1,2,3,4,5,6} and


The induced sample space for R is 𝒮={-1,0,2}. Now

P(R=-1) = P({1,2,3})=12,
P(R=0) = P({4})=16,
P(R=2) = P({5,6})=13.

The probability associated to the other subsets can be obtained using axiom 3 e.g.


To summarise

  • The outcomes in the sample space, Ω, of the probability experiment may or may not be numerically valued.

  • A random variable R is a function that associates a unique real number with each outcome in the sample space, Ω.

  • A random variable is not a number. It is neither random, nor a variable. It is a function.

  • The set of values taken by random variable R defined on Ω, is known as the induced sample space for R and is sometimes written as 𝒮.

  • The event {R=r}={ω:R(ω)=r} and this equivalence induces a probability distribution on 𝒮.