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5.1 Double integrals

Consider a rectangular box BB in 0xyz0xyz space, with base RR given by axba\leq x\leq b , cydc\leq y\leq d and height above the 0xy0xy plane represented by zz. We partially fill the box with sand, where the height of the sand above the point (x,y)(x,y) is represented by a continuous function z=f(x,y)z=f(x,y). The volume of the sand is the double integral


which we interpret as follows. We split up the rectangle into N2N^{2} smaller rectangles RijR_{ij} of sides hh by kk by introducing a grid with vertices (xi,yj)=(a+hi,c+kj)(x_{i},y_{j})=(a+hi,c+kj) for 1i,jN1\leq i,j\leq N with b=a+Nhb=a+Nh and d=c+Nkd=c+Nk.