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3.26 Tangent to the ellipse

\curve(40,100, 41,92.9, 44,86, 45,84.4, 50,78.2, 55,73.7, 60,70, 70,64.3, 80,60, 90,56.7, 110,52.3,140,50, 170,52.3,190,56.7,200,60,210,64.3,220,70,230,78.2,235,84.4,236,86,239,92.9, 240,100,239,107.1,236,114,235,115.6,230,121.8,220,130,210,135.7,200,140,190, 143.3,170,147.7,140,150, 110,147.7,90,143.3,80,140,70,135.7,60,130,55,126.3,50,121.8,45,115.6,44,114,41, 107.1,40,100) \curve(290,100,280,95) \curve(290,100,280,105) \curve(140,200,145,190) \curve(140,200,135,190) xxyyPPThe value of dydx\frac{dy}{dx} at PP equals thegradient of the tangent line.