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5.4 Integral as a limit of areas

We split up the interval [a,b][a,b] into subintervals Ij=[a+(j-1)h,a+jh]I_{j}=[a+(j-1)h,a+jh] of length hh, where j=1,2,,nj=1,2,\dots,n and b-a=nhb-a=nh. Supposing that mjf(x)Mjm_{j}\leq f(x)\leq M_{j} for xx in IjI_{j}, we find it evident that

(area of lower rectangle based uponIj)\Bigl({\hbox{area of lower rectangle based upon}}\quad I_{j}\Bigr)
(area under graph aboveIj)\leq\Bigl({\hbox{area under graph above}}\quad I_{j}\Bigr)
(area of upper rectangle based uponIj).\leq\Bigl({\hbox{area of upper rectangle based upon}}\quad I_{j}\Bigr).

Since the area of a rectangle is simply (base)(height)(base)\cdot(height), we have

hmj(area under the graph aboveIj)hMj.hm_{j}\leq\bigl({\hbox{area under the graph above}}\quad I_{j}\bigr)\leq hM_{j}.

On summing over jj, we obtain

j=1nhmj(area under graph above [a,b])j=1nhMj.\sum_{j=1}^{n}hm_{j}\leq\bigl({\hbox{area under graph above }}\,[a,b]\bigr)% \leq\sum_{j=1}^{n}hM_{j}.