In the following table of derivatives, aa is a constant.
f(x)f(x) f′(x)f^{\prime}(x)
xnx^{n} nxn-1nx^{n-1} for all n∈ℕn\in{\mathbb{N}} and x∈ℝx\in{\mathbb{R}};
xax^{a} axa-1ax^{a-1} for all a∈ℝa\in{\mathbb{R}} and x>0x>0;
eaxe^{ax} aeax;ae^{ax};
log|ax|\log|ax| 1/x1/x for all x≠0x\neq 0;
sinax\sin ax acosax;a\cos ax;
cosax\cos ax -asinax;-a\sin ax;
tanax\tan ax asec2axa\sec^{2}ax for all xx such that cosax≠0.\cos ax\neq 0.