2 Point Processes

2.4 The K-Function

To get a more easily interpretable quantity than λ2(u), proceed as follows:

Definition 2.8.

The reduced second moment function of a stationary, isotropic spatial point process is

Theorem 2.1.

For a stationary, isotropic, orderly process,

K(s)=λ-1𝔼[number of further events within distance s of an arbitrary event]
  • gives a tangible interpretation of K(s),

  • suggests a method of estimating K(s) from data,

  • hints at why an estimate of K(s) would be a useful descriptor of an observed spatial pattern:

    • for clustered patterns, each event is likely to be surrounded by further members of the same cluster and, for small values of s, K(s) will be relatively large.

    • conversely, if events are regularly spaced, each one is likely to be surrounded by empty space and, for small values of s, K(s) will be relatively small.

A benchmark to determine what we mean by relatively large or small is provided by the following theorem:

Theorem 2.2.

For a homogeneous, planar Poisson process,


Proof will be given in the lecture.

Definition 2.9.

A random thinning, P, of a point process P, is a point process whose events are a subset of the events of P generated by retaining or deleting the events of P in a series of mutually independent Bernoulli trials.

We can now establish the following result:

Theorem 2.3.

K(s) is invariant to random thinning.

Proof will be given in the lecture.

Conclusion: the interpretation of an estimated K-function is robust to incomplete ascertainment of cases, provided the incompleteness is spatially neutral.

2.4.1 Estimating the K-function

Confronted with a point pattern, we need to estimate λ(s) and K(s) in order to examine the first-order and second-order properties of the process that may have generated it. The data are of the form xiA:i=1,,n, for some planar region A.

Estimation of λ

Here we assume the process is homogeneous, so λ(s)=λ for all s. Because λ is the expected number of events per unit area, we define the following simple estimator:


Estimation of K(s)

Similarly, because

λK(s)=𝔼[number of further events within distance s of an arbitrary event],

we can construct an estimator of K(s) as follows.

  1. 1.

    Define E(s)=λK(s) and let dij be the distance between the events xi and xj. Define

    E~(s)=1ni=1njiI(dijs), (2.1)

    where I() denotes the indicator function.

  2. 2.

    The estimator E~(s) is negatively biased because we do not observe events outside A, so the observed counts from events xi close to the boundary of A will be artificially low.

  3. 3.

    Introduce weights, wij = reciprocal of proportion of circumference of circle, centre xi and radius dij, which is contained in A.

    Unnumbered Figure: Link

  4. 4.

    An edge-corrected estimator for E(s) is

  5. 5.

    Since K(s)=E(s)/λ, define

    K^(s) = E^(s)/λ^ (2.2)
    = |A|n2i=1njiwijI(dijs) (2.3)

Explicit formulae for the wij can be computed if A is a rectangle or a circle. An algorithm for an arbitrary polygon A is used in Rowlingson and Diggle (1993).


  1. 1.

    Typically, Var{K^(s)} tends to increase with s.

  2. 2.

    As the sampling variance of K^(s) increases with s, estimates for large s tend to be unreliable. For data on a unit square, it is advisable to estimate only for s0.25.

  3. 3.

    The sampling distribution of K^(s) is largely intractable. See Diggle (2002) for discussion of ways of dealing with this.

  4. 4.

    There is some technical advantage in using n(n-1) rather than n2 as the divisor in the expression (3) for K^(s), and it is this version which is implemented in the spatstat software.

  5. 5.

    To test the hypothesis of complete spatial randomness, K^(s) can be compared to the value expected under this assumption, πs2 (see figure below).

2.4.2 Examples of Estimated K-functions

Unnumbered Figure: Link

Unnumbered Figure: Link

Unnumbered Figure: Link

Caption:Examples of Point processes. Top left: a homogeneous Poisson process - here the points appear randomly within the observation window. Top right: a clustered point process - here the points have a tendency to cluster together. Bottom: a regular Point process - here there is inhibition between the points i.e. no pair of points is close together.

Figure 2.3: First Link, Second Link, Caption: Left hand side: example K-functions from Poisson, clustered and regular point processes. The solid line is the K function of a simulated Poisson process, the dotted line is the K-function of a cluster process and the dashed line is the K-function of a regular process. Right hand side: it can sometimes be useful to plot K(S)-πs2 instead of just K(s). Since K(s)=πs2 for a Poisson process, we’d expect K(S)-πs20 for Poisson processes, K(S)-πs20 for clustered processes and K(S)-πs20 for regular (inhibitory) processes. Of course, in reality, the situation may be more complex, for instance, the process may have similar properties to a Poisson Process when s is small, but may behave more like a cluster process for higher values of s.