A stochastic process is a collection of random variables where belongs to an indexing set, , and each takes values in a sample space .
Time series provides a simple example of a stochastic process:
A spatial point process is a stochastic process, a realisation of which consists of a countable set of points in the plane. In this course, we usually have .
We often refer to these points as events to distinguish them from arbitrary points in the plane.
We write for the number of events in a planar region ,
Note that is a random variable: different realisations of the process will result in both different numbers and locations of points.
The process is stationary if, for any integer and regions the joint distribution of is invariant to translation by an arbitrary amount .
The process is isotropic if, for any integer and regions the joint distribution of is invariant to rotation through an arbitrary angle , i.e. no directional effects.
The process is orderly if there can be no co-located obervations i.e.