Radiophonics Phase II

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Lagos and Kano February 2009
Abuja Workshop 2008
Abuja Workshop 2008
  The British Council-funded Radiophonics project, led by Dr. Graham Mort of the Department of English and Creative Writing, has now entered its second phase in Nigeria. Stories written last year in workshops in Kano, Enuga, Abuja and Lagos and focused on key social and political issues, are now being broadcast on Inspiration FM, Lagos, in the ‘Under the Sun’ series. The series was devised by Graham Mort and produced by Chidi Ukwu. The broadcast format includes discussion with studio guests and audience interaction via telephone link. The stories will also be broadcast on Raypower FM in Kano and there will be two publics debates – also in Kano and Lagos – focused around issues explored in the broadcasts.Graham Mort has just returned from Nigeria where he ran workshops with teachers from 28 schools in Lagos and Kano as part of the British Council’s Public Diplomacy programme. Graham has written teaching resources for the project and these include recordings of the broadcast stories. A radio writing competition for 16+ students will be staged in schools in Kano and Lagos, focused on issues of social and political significance. The winning stories will be broadcast on Inspiration FM and Raypower FM with studio discussion and audience interaction.The live broadcasts and the recorded stories will eventually be podcast on dedicated British Council websites in the UK and Africa and linked to the Centre for Transcultural Writing and Research at Lancaster. Graham will be presenting an academic paper on the project, its methodologies and its social significance at the 4th International Conference on the Arts in Society in Venice in July.



Participant Portrait
In the Computer Room
Abuja 2008, Lunchtime
Abuja 2008, Critiquing
Abuja 2008, Workshop
Lagos 2009, Lunchtime
Lagos 2009 Workshop
Lagos 2009 Workshop
Participant Portrait
Participant Portrait
Lagos Workshop
Participant Portrait


Centre for Transcultural Writing and Research, County College, Lancaster University, LA1 4YD, UK