Peter Jacko

peter.jacko [a]

Peter's photo

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Management Science
Department of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School, LA1 4YX, UK

Senior Decision Scientist, Berry Consultants, Abingdon, UK

At Lancaster University, I am also member of:

:: Supervision

I always welcome students with strong quantitative background interested in efficient management of complex processes, systems, and networks, where interaction of mathematics, computer science, and economics is often beneficial. In particular, you will be looking for carrying out research in areas such as operational research, performance evaluation, stochastic modelling, queueing theory, applied probability, and/or machine learning, motivated by real-world problems in business, communications networks, or public health. If you are a self-funded PhD applicant or a master/PhD student elsewhere interested in visiting me for a short period, please contact me directly by e-mail. PhD funding is available through the Department of Management Science and through the STOR-i Doctoral Training Centre.

By 2018, I have supervised research at postdoctoral (2), doctoral (11) and master (12) and undergraduate (3) level, with 2-3 new research students every year. For an up-to-date list, see Full CV.

Last modified: 11/2018