:: Slovakia
I come from Slovakia, the little great country in the heart of Europe.
Until I turned 23, I had lived in the most alluring and multicultural Slovak city called Košice. Being the second-largest city in Slovakia, it is the principal historical, cultural, nature and sport center of Slovakia, e.g.
- it is well known as the first settlement in Europe to be granted its own coat-of-arms in 1369,
- it has a thriving well-preserved old town with Slovakia's largest cathedral from 15th century - the St. Elisabeth Cathedral,
- it is near several UNESCO World Heritage Sites: one of the largest medieval castle sites in Europe Spiš Castle, and medieval towns Levoča and Bardejov,
- it is near several UNESCO World Biosphere Reserves: Slovak Karst National Park, Tatra Mountains, East Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, and several national parks including Slovak Paradise,
- it hosts the oldest annual marathon in Europe run since 1924 - the Košice Peace Marathon,
- it was the 2013 European Capital of Culture,
- it was the 2016 European City of Sport,...
< Essentials
Here are some essentials you should know about the country before talking to me :)
- Yes, Slovakia is a member of the European Union since 2004, belongs to the Schengen area since 2007, and uses the euro currency since 2009.
- Slovakia had been a member of the federation called Czecho-Slovakia until 1992, when it peacefully divorced with the Czech republic.
- Slovakia was experiencing a sustained high GDP growth (Tatra Tiger), the highest within OECD and EU countries (8.9% in 2006, 10.4% in 2007).
- Bratislava, the capital, having GDP per capita around 150% of the EU average, closely links to Vienna, which is just 50 kms away.
- The landscape is mostly mountainous, with wonderful natural parks (Tatras, Slovak Paradise), spectacular caves and enjoyable spas.
- Western regions of Slovakia gave birth to the first Slav state in the 7th century AD, and to Great Moravia, where the first Slavic alphabet originated and later evolved into the Cyrillic script.
< News from Slovakia
< Independent sources
< Industrial and academic sources