Peter Jacko

peter.jacko [a]

Peter's photo

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Management Science
Department of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School, LA1 4YX, UK

Senior Decision Scientist, Berry Consultants, Abingdon, UK

At Lancaster University, I am also member of:

:: Slovakia

I come from Slovakia, the little great country in the heart of Europe.

Until I turned 23, I had lived in the most alluring and multicultural Slovak city called Košice. Being the second-largest city in Slovakia, it is the principal historical, cultural, nature and sport center of Slovakia, e.g.

< Essentials

Slovakia Logo

Here are some essentials you should know about the country before talking to me :)

Slovakia, Europe

< News from Slovakia

< Independent sources

< Industrial and academic sources

Last modified: 11/2018