William of Malmesbury, Gesta pontificum Anglorum
In the prologue to book two of his Gesta regum Anglorum, ‘The
Deeds of the Kings of the English’, William of
Malmesbury (c. 1090–after 1142) gives an autobiographical account
of how he became an historian which suggests that he was inspired by history
itself. The habit of reading, he tells us,
has been a source of pleasure to me ever since I was a boy,
and its charm grew as I grew. Indeed, I had been brought up by my father
to regard it as damaging to my soul and my good repute if I turned my attention
in any other direction... In particular I studied History, which adds flavour
to moral instruction by imparting a pleasurable knowledge of past events,
spurring the reader by the accummulation of examples to follow the good
and shun the bad. So after I had spent a good deal of my own money on getting
together a library of foreign historians, I proceeded in my leisure moments
to inquire if anything could be discovered concerning England worth the
attention of posterity. Not content with ancient works, I began to get
the itch to write myself, not to show off my more or less non-existent
erudition but in order to bring forcibly into the light things lost in the rubbish-heap
of the past.
The impression given here is that William was writing, not in the service of
his religious house or of some other interest group, but
out of his own private enthusiasm for history, and especially the history
of his native land. But he is being disingenuous. For one thing, the
dedicatory epistles claim that the work was written at the request of Henry
queen, Matilda. William claims that she visited Malmesbury before her death
on 1 May 1118 and had asked for a written account explaining the connection
between the English royal family and the abbey’s founder
St Aldhelm (d. 709/10). Writing to her brother, David I, king of Scotland
(1124–53), he asks him ‘to imitate her goodwill... not just in other
matters, but more particularly in your love for the monastery of St Aldhelm
your kinsman’. Aldhelm was founder and patron of Malmesbury, and this
suggests that this work was first conceived as an attempt to raise the
profile in the eyes of the political establishment. It is not irrelevant
that the work was composed at a time when, to its monks’ great distress,
status and prosperity had been undermined by the actions
of its diocesan, Roger of Salisbury (1102–39). He had annexed the abbey,
diverting much of its income to support his cathedral at Old Sarum.
Begun before Matilda’s death in 1118, the first version of the work was
completed in about 1125/6,
but William continued to revise it until at least 1134. Many of the revisions
suggest a concern to improve the style of the prose, and some show the
benefit of the researches among the archives of Glastonbury Abbey undertaken
whilst he was writing his De antiquitate
Glastonie ecclesie; but other changes suggest a concern to moderate the
opinions and interpretations offered in the first version. This process is
also much in evidence, and indeed, better attested for the Gesta
regum’s companion work, the Gesta pontificum Anglorum, ‘The
Deeds of the Bishops of the English’. This work was begun around 1120,
originally as an appendix to Gesta regum Anglorum, but it was later
reconceived as a separate history. The first draft of this work, in its re-conceived
form, was completed at the same time as the Gesta regum, in about 1125.
for its revision at intervals over the next decade is provided by the survival
of a partial autograph—Oxford, Magdalen College, MS lat.
172 (known as ‘A’)—together
with some nineteen other medieval manuscripts. Written in the author’s
own hand, Magdalen 172 contains much evidence of erasures and revision.
Entire leaves have even been inserted to accommodate alterations to the text,
but because copies were made before and during the two decades when this
work was taking place it is possible to reconstruct the process of revision
in some detail. Four manuscripts are especially important for the clarifying
the chronology of these revisions:
- B London, British Library, MS Cotton
Claudius A.V (s.xiimed, Belvoir Priory)
- C London, British Library, MS Harley 3641 (s.xiiex, Byland Abbey)
- E Oxford, All Souls College, MS 34 (s.xiimed)
- G London, British Library, MS Arundel 222 (s.xii2)
Through careful scrutiny of the variants among these copies,
Michael Winterbottom has shown that it is possible to distinguish at least
four stages in the revision of the text. B and C derive
from a common ancestor (β) which was copied from the holograph before
William carried out an extensive purge of many passages that were too explicit. Among the most sensational passages excised
was a savage attack
on the probity of Lanfranc of Bec, the first post-Conquest archbishop of
Canterbury (1070–89) (§§ 42.6–7). B and C are
both incomplete, but they allow us recover much of what was removed at this
stage. Having purged the text, William continued to correct and enlarge it,
inserting the fruits, for example, of further research about the earlier
archbishops of Canterbury (at §§ 4,
7.1–2, 20.1–3,
and so on) and about the introduction of monks at Winchester (§ 75.38).
Being derived from A as it existed at some point between
1129 and 1140, the main text of E (excluding the corrections
which were later made to this MS), bears witness to an advanced stage in
this process. Changes made after this point, many of them intended to erase
signs that book one was first written as a continuation to Gesta regum,
figure in G.
Close analysis of these revisions offers precious insights into William’s
priorities as an historian.
Manuscript: Cambridge,
Corpus Christi College, MS 43 (Q). A medium format book measuring 340 × 210
mm, Corpus 43 houses the following items:
- William of Malmesbury, Gesta pontificum Anglorum, books I–IV
(fols. 1r–63v).
This text is the work of a single scribe writing in a good, fourteenth-century,
English bookhand, in double columns of 46 lines. He ends at the foot of fol.
63v, a few lines into the final chapter of book iv. Fol. 64r is a supply
leaf copied in sixteenth-century hand, evidently introduced to make good
some fault at the end of book four. This copy of Gesta pontificum (as
far as fol. 63v) derives indirectly from the Oxford, All Souls College, MS
34—in its corrected form. As had already been mentioned, All Souls 34 is
an important early manuscript which bears witness to the evolution of William’s
text. It was corrected extensively in 1158 × 1160, with reference back
to A in its more advanced form, and Corpus 43 belongs to a cluster
of descendants made after these corrections were made. These descendants
derive from intervening copy and were produced in the eastern parts of England.
(For its coverage of Lanfranc of Bec, see esp. fols. 13r–v.)
- William of Malmesbury, Gesta pontificum Anglorum, books V (fols. 69r–112r).
Book five, William's life of Malmesbury’s patron, St Aldhelm, has been supplied
by one of Archbishop Matthew Parker’s secretaries. Written on paper in a
mid-sixteenth-century hand, it is followed by eight blank leaves.
- Adam of Eynsham, Visio Eadmundi monachi de Egnesham (fols. 120r–141v).
The hand and layout are very similar to that of item one.
- Extracts from William of Malmesbury, Gesta regum Anglorum, book I
(fols. 142r–142v).
These extracts begin imperfectly and are written in an informal, early sixteenth-century,
hand in double columns.
Provenance: Marginal annotations to the text of Gesta
pontificum suggest
an interest in East Anglian matters (e.g. fol. 62r), and M. R. James thought
that the appearance of the book, the style of its script and ornament were
keeping with manuscripts associated with Norwich Cathedral.
Other Images: For a reproduction from the holograph Oxford,
Magdalen College, MS lat. 172, fol. 99r, see N. Morgan and R. Thomson (eds), The
Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, vol. 2, 1100–1400 (Cambridge,
2008), pl. 6.3. ZC3ea.C.
Text and Translation: William of Malmesbury, Gesta
pontificum Anglorum, ed. and trs. R. M. Thomson and M. Winterbottom, Oxford
Medieval Texts, 2 vols. (Oxford, 2007). MVB.K. Vol. 2 comprises an introduction
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< Seminar V