1072 Famous Five Cave
Entrambasaguas 30T 0444863 4801236 Altitude 84m Length 309m Height
Updated 10th October 2005
From the field to the south east of the village, a small stream is followed
to a cliff face where the resurgence is seen. A 3 x 4m high entrance leads
to a ramp up to the passage floor. Twenty metres inside, a couple of short
stoops leads to 2 x 2m passage. After 70m of walking in shallow pools and
clambering over the odd boulder, a 5m crawl pops out into a large chamber.
On the right is a 40° slope that leads to a daylight shaft, the top
entrance. The stream emerges from the opposite side of this chamber and is
walked along for 20m, through some deeper pools. Cross rifts are encountered
before the passage widens and lowers to a bedding. The stream takes the left
wall whilst the right hand side contains numerous formations.
A sharp right turn at the apparent end of the cave leads to a stal blockage which is passable on the right. This short squeeze leads to a deep pool which, after 50m, approaches the sump, which may be possible to lower.
The sump is 8m long to airspace. Directly ahead is a boulder-choked rift but the deeply ponded passage may continue under water. Bad visibility has hindered progress.
Reference: anon., 1995c (logbook); Corrin Juan, 1995a; anon.,
2005b (Easter & summer logbook)
Entrance picture :
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Detailed Survey : 1:1000
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