Email: j.grant [at]

Pronouns: he/him

Twitter: @james_a_grant

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Room B76
Postgraduate Statistics Centre
Lancaster University
Lancaster, UK

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I am a Lecturer in Statistics in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Lancaster University.

I am also the EDI Lead for the School and for the ProbAI Research Hub. I am active in several roles at the Royal Statistical Society, and am an Associate Editor for the ACM Transcations on Probabilistic Machine Learning.

In 2019, I completed my PhD under the supervision of Professors David Leslie, Kevin Glazebrook, and Roberto Szechtman. Previously, I have worked as a Machine Learning Research Student at, and a Research Associate within the STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, and Department of Mathematics at Statistics at Lancaster. My full CV (last update Jan '24) is available here.


My research considers online sequential decision making for problems with complex data structures. I am particularly interested in multi-armed bandits, online optimisation, and recommender systems. A key feature of this research is collaboration with and inspiration from industry. I am always open to discussing the prospect of new collaborations in theoretical or applied areas.