Deconstructing Donation Conference

In recent years, there has been increased political and social interest in the donation of organs, gametes, blood and tissue. As a result, the concept of donation and the related activities of procurement and collection, processing and banking, allocation, are emerging as the focus of studies once again.

This interdisciplinary Deconstructing Donation conference will address 'donation' as a rising social and political issue and speakers will look to answer such questions as:

  • How is donation understood today?
  • How are donors and recipients framed?
  • Does the purpose of the donation alter how it is discussed?
  • Does what is being donated shift the portrayals of donation, the donor and the recipient, and how this is done?

Purposes of the day

  • To gather signatures from BSA members in order to establish a study group that focuses on the social and ethics of 'donation'
  • To initiate collaborations with other researchers and educators in this field
  • To create an edited book collection arising from the conference

Sponsored by Lancaster University and The Institute of Medical Ethics, the conference will be held within Furness College at Lancaster University (no. 42 on the campus map) on Monday December 15th.

The conference will cost £10 for BSA & IME members and £20 for non-members.

Payment & Registration



Please contact either Dr Laura Machin or Eliza Shaw with any enquiries.

Dr Laura Machin
01524 594973

Eliza Shaw
01524 594524

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