Dr Hane Maung

Honorary Researcher


I am a philosopher and currently an Honorary Researcher in Philosophy at Lancaster University. My research predominantly focuses on philosophical issues in medicine and psychiatry. I am also more broadly interested in philosophy of mind and philosophy of science. Before my academic career in philosophy, I graduated in medicine and trained as a psychiatrist. I am no longer clinically active, but remain interested in healthcare practice from a philosophical perspective. Currently, I work as an Applied Philosopher and Clinical Ethicist for a gender affirming healthcare service. My philosophical approach can loosely be described as socially engaged philosophy of medicine. As my professional activity is currently divided between academia and healthcare, I am interested in how philosophical theory can inform clinical practice and policy. Much of my work has examined the role of diagnosis, the concept of disease, and the nature of explanation in medicine and psychiatry. I also have broader philosophical interests and have published on a wide range of philosophical topics, including suicide, reproduction, phenomenology, biological complexity, two-dimensional semantics, and dualism about consciousness. I have a PhD in philosophy from Lancaster University, as well as an MPhil in philosophy and ethics of mental health from the University of Pretoria. Before this, I graduated from the University of Cambridge with an MB BChir in medicine and a BA (Hons) in history and philosophy of science. I hold an MRCPsych from the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Outside work and academia, I enjoy exploring and making music. I have an AMusTCL in music theory and a DipABRSM in piano performance. Like many other millennials, I am terminally online. I am married to a writer named Shuna. We live in a spooky seventeenth century house in Lancaster with our three children and our two snakes. I am happy with any pronouns but usually use he/him.