Dr Cain Todd

Senior Lecturer



I am Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Lancaster University and currently on a period of research leave. From 2021-22 I took up a visiting position at LMU, Munich as a winner of the Humboldt Foundation's Bessel Research Prize. I then took up a Visiting Senior Research Fellowship for the autumn semester at the Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp. Previously I have held research positions at the Institut Jean Nicod in Paris, and the Universities of Geneva and Fribourg in Switzerland.

I am the co-editor of the journal Emotion Researcher (https://emotionresearcher.com/), a founding member of the European Society for Aesthetics (https://www.eurosa.org/) and a co-ordinator of the Culinary Mind Network (https://www.culinarymind.org/)

My research lies primarily within the areas of aesthetics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of perception. I have published papers on issues in the philosophy of fiction and literature, on the imagination, on emotion, on aesthetic judgements in science and mathematics, and on olfactory perception. I wrote the book The Philosophy of Wine (Routledge 2010) and co-edited the volume Emotion and Value (OUP 2014).

I am writing a book 'Aesthetics and Emotion' that will be published by Bloomsbury in 2024.

I am in the process of completing three papers:

'Affective Memory and Imagined Emotion', 'Imagination, Agency, and the Feeling of Reality', ‘The top-down and bottom-up of Aesthetic Experience’

*Please note that the list of publications and activities given in the sections below is currently incomplete. Here is a list of current and recent work:

  • ‘Empathy, Imagination, and Emotion in Fictional Immersion’, Kyprianidou, Bantinaki and Vassiliou (eds.) Empathy and the Arts (Routledge: forthcoming)
  • ‘Style and Authenticity in Wine’, in A. Borghini & P. Engisch The Philosophy of Recipes (Bloomsbury: forthcoming)
  • ‘In What Sense are Aesthetic Experiences Emotional?’, Routledge Handbook of Emotion Theory A. Scarantino. (Forthcoming).
  • ‘Imagination and Aesthetic Judgements in Scientific Thought Experiments’, Aesthetics and Science M. Ivanova and S. French (Routledge: 2020).
  • ‘Expressivist Semantics’ (in French), in S. Lemaire(ed.) Handbook of Metaethics. Hachette. (2019).
  • ‘Tasting in Time: the affective and temporal dimensions of flavour perception’. The Monist 10(2018): 277-93.
  • ‘Representation and Ephemerality in Olfaction’, in T. Crowther & C. MacCuhmaill (eds.) Perceptual Ephemera. Oxford University Press (2018).
  • ‘Flavours’ (in French) in Deonna & Tieffenbach (eds.) Dictionnaire des Valeurs, Editions d’Ithaque, Collection Science et Metaphysique. (2018)
  • ‘Fitting Feeling and Elegant Proofs: on the psychology of aesthetic evaluation in mathematics.’ Philosophia Mathematica. (2017)
Publications updated. Displaying 2 publications

Imagination, Emotion, and Value
31/12/2010 → 31/12/2013

European society for aesthetics
24/05/2010 → 29/05/2010