Dr Cain Todd
Senior LecturerProfile
I am Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Lancaster University and currently on a period of research leave. From 2021-22 I took up a visiting position at LMU, Munich as a winner of the Humboldt Foundation's Bessel Research Prize. I then took up a Visiting Senior Research Fellowship for the autumn semester at the Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp. Previously I have held research positions at the Institut Jean Nicod in Paris, and the Universities of Geneva and Fribourg in Switzerland.
I am the co-editor of the journal Emotion Researcher (https://emotionresearcher.com/), a founding member of the European Society for Aesthetics (https://www.eurosa.org/) and a co-ordinator of the Culinary Mind Network (https://www.culinarymind.org/)
My research lies primarily within the areas of aesthetics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of perception. I have published papers on issues in the philosophy of fiction and literature, on the imagination, on emotion, on aesthetic judgements in science and mathematics, and on olfactory perception. I wrote the book The Philosophy of Wine (Routledge 2010) and co-edited the volume Emotion and Value (OUP 2014).
I am writing a book 'Aesthetics and Emotion' that will be published by Bloomsbury in 2024.
I am in the process of completing three papers:
'Affective Memory and Imagined Emotion', 'Imagination, Agency, and the Feeling of Reality', ‘The top-down and bottom-up of Aesthetic Experience’
*Please note that the list of publications and activities given in the sections below is currently incomplete. Here is a list of current and recent work:
- ‘Empathy, Imagination, and Emotion in Fictional Immersion’, Kyprianidou, Bantinaki and Vassiliou (eds.) Empathy and the Arts (Routledge: forthcoming)
- ‘Style and Authenticity in Wine’, in A. Borghini & P. Engisch The Philosophy of Recipes (Bloomsbury: forthcoming)
- ‘In What Sense are Aesthetic Experiences Emotional?’, Routledge Handbook of Emotion Theory A. Scarantino. (Forthcoming).
- ‘Imagination and Aesthetic Judgements in Scientific Thought Experiments’, Aesthetics and Science M. Ivanova and S. French (Routledge: 2020).
- ‘Expressivist Semantics’ (in French), in S. Lemaire(ed.) Handbook of Metaethics. Hachette. (2019).
- ‘Tasting in Time: the affective and temporal dimensions of flavour perception’. The Monist 10(2018): 277-93.
- ‘Representation and Ephemerality in Olfaction’, in T. Crowther & C. MacCuhmaill (eds.) Perceptual Ephemera. Oxford University Press (2018).
- ‘Flavours’ (in French) in Deonna & Tieffenbach (eds.) Dictionnaire des Valeurs, Editions d’Ithaque, Collection Science et Metaphysique. (2018)
- ‘Fitting Feeling and Elegant Proofs: on the psychology of aesthetic evaluation in mathematics.’ Philosophia Mathematica. (2017)
PhD Supervision Interests
Aesthetics, Philosophy of Mind, Metaethics.
Loading Publications
Imagination, Emotion, and Value
31/12/2010 → 31/12/2013
European society for aesthetics
24/05/2010 → 29/05/2010
Affective Memory and Imagined Emotion
Invited talk
Imagination, Agency, and the Feeling of Reality
Invited talk
Emotion Researcher (Journal)
Editorial activity
Imagination, Attention, and Transparency
Invited talk
Humboldt Foundation Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Prize
Fellowship awarded competitively
Senior Research Fellowship, Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp (2022)
Fellowship awarded competitively