Professor Jim Wild FRAS SFHEA

Professor of Space Physics


Jim Wild is the Professor of Space Physics in the Physics Department at Lancaster University. His research focuses on the links between the Sun, the Earth and other planets. As well as exploring the physics of the natural space environment, he studies the impact of a range of solar-driven phenomena that are now understood to be a risk to human technologies. He leads the Space and Planetary Physics research group at Lancaster University, a team of around 20 academics, post-doctoral researchers and postgraduate students. Jim has held significant leadership roles in the wider research community, and is engaged with policy-makers and industry stakeholders. Beyond his research, he has a proven track-record of leadership in higher education, with considerable experience in university-level teaching, learning and recruitment in the STEM disciplines.

Selected Publications

Modeling the Impact of Geomagnetically Induced Currents on Electrified Railway Signaling Systems in the United Kingdom
Patterson, C.J., Wild, J.A., Boteler, D.H. 31/03/2023 In: Space Weather. 21, 3, 18 p.
Journal article

Deflection of O2+ ion flow by Magnetic Fields in the Martian Ionosphere
Li, S., Lyu, H., Cao, J., Cui, J., Zhou, C., Wild, J., Li, G., Li, Y. 23/12/2022 In: The Astrophysical Journal. 941, 2, 8 p.
Journal article

Assessing the Impact of Weak and Moderate Geomagnetic Storms on UK Power Station Transformers
Lewis, Z., Wild, J., Allcock, M., Walach, M. 1/04/2022 In: Space Weather. 20, 4, 12 p.
Journal article

Climatological Statistics of Extreme Geomagnetic Fluctuations with Periods from 1 s to 60 min
Rogers, N., Wild, J., Eastoe, E., Huebert, J. 11/11/2021 In: Space Weather. 19, 11
Journal article

Mars’ plasma system. Scientific potential of coordinated multipoint missions: “The next generation”
Sánchez-Cano, B., Lester, M., Andrews, D., Opgenoorth, H., Lillis, R., Leblanc, F., Fowler, C., Fang, X., Vaisberg, O., Mayyasi, M., Holmberg, M., Guo, J., Hamrin, M., Mazelle, C., Peter, K., Pätzold, M., Stergiopoulou, K., Goetz, C., Ermakov, V.N., Shuvalov, S., Wild, J., Blelly, P., Mendillo, M., Bertucci, C., Cartacci, M., Orosei, R., Chu, F., Kopf, A., Girazian, Z., Roman, M. 31/12/2022 In: Experimental Astronomy. 54, 2-3, p. 641-676. 36 p.
Journal article

Development of space weather reasonable worst-case scenarios for the UK National Risk Assessment
Hapgood, M., Angling, M., Attrill, G., Bisi, M., Cannon, P., Dyer, C., Eastwood, J., Elvidge, S., Gibbs, M., Harrison, R., Hord, C., Horne, R., Jackson, D., Jones, B., Machin, S., Mitchell, C., Preston, J., Rees, J., Rogers, N., Routledge, G., Ryden, K., Tanner, R., Thomson, A., Wild, J., Willis, M. 8/04/2021 In: Space Weather. 19, 4, 52 p.
Journal article

A Global Statistical Model of Extreme Geomagnetic Field Fluctuations
Rogers, N.C., Wild, J.A., Eastoe, E.F. 1/02/2019 In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Copernicus GmbH (Copernicus Publications) on behalf of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 1 p.

Modelling the impact of geomagnetically induced currents on UK railways
15/04/2024 → 14/04/2027

Resolving uncertainty in the solar wind driving of the magnetosphere
01/04/2024 → 31/03/2027

Ground Level Enhancement Event Monitor (Implementation Phase)
01/09/2022 → 15/03/2025

EISCAT_3D: Fine-scale structuring, scintillastion, and electrodynamics (FINESSE)
11/04/2022 → 10/04/2026

Ground Level Enhancement Event Monitor (GLEEM)
28/06/2021 → 27/06/2022

IAA: Impacts of space weather on railway infrastructure
01/12/2018 → 28/02/2019

Space and Planetary Research at Lancaster University
01/04/2018 → 30/09/2022

Space Weather Impacts on Ground-based Systems
01/05/2017 → 30/04/2021

Plasma environments in the solar system
01/04/2015 → 31/08/2018

Iceland West SuperDARN Radar
01/04/2013 → 31/03/2016

A High-Order Model of the Earth's External and Induced Magnetic Field
01/02/2013 → 03/08/2016

A place in the sun: Taking solar system science to the public
01/04/2010 → 30/09/2012

Investigating the influences of open crustal magnetic field regions on the Martian Ionosphere
01/01/2010 → 30/06/2013

CASE: Electromagnetic coupling between the sun and earth
01/10/2007 → 30/09/2011

Multipoint measurements of magnetospheric substorms
01/06/2007 → 31/01/2011

AuroraWatch UK
01/04/2003 → …

Modelling the impact of geomagnetically induced currents on UK railways
01/01/1900 → …

Disaster! Space weather on the big screen
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Blue Dot Festival: "The northern lights: a rough guide"
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

The northern lights : a rough guide
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

BlueDot Festival: Disaster! Space weather on the big screen
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition

Project Introduction: Space Weather Impacts on the UK Railway Network
Oral presentation

Impacts of Space Weather on the UK Railways
Oral presentation

National Astronomy Meeting 2019
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

UK Government (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Science and Technology Facilities Council (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Science and Technology Facilities Council (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Current and Future Research with the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

ISSI Team: Field-Aligned Currents: Their Morphology, Evolution, Source Regions and Generators (Event)
Membership of committee

Royal Astronomical Society (External organisation)
Membership of committee

Annales Geophysicae (Journal)
Editorial activity

Institute of Physics Plasma Lecture: Weathering Solar Storm
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

The Big Bang Fair

Forseeing Space Weather: Darwin College Lecture 2013
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

International Space Science Institute Workshop (Event)
Membership of committee

British Science

OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations)
School Engagement

Science and Technology Facilities Council (External organisation)
Membership of committee

International Space Science Institute Workshop (Event)
Membership of committee

Cafe Scientifique: Solar flares and northern lights: the beauty and danger of the Sun

Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2011

Rutherford and radio
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Wrexham Science Festival

Here is the Space Weather
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

The Big Bang Fair 2012

Royal Astronomical Society Lecture
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar


Cunard "Insights" Lecturer
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

British Astronomical Association Conference

Expert Speaker: Northern Lights Pleasure Flights
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Royal Astronomical Society James Dungey Lectureship 2018
Prize (including medals and awards)

  • Space and Planetary Physics
  • Space Weather