Call to action for scientists at LUSO 2018

A call for scientists to get more involved in the development of education and research policies was made by the Portuguese Minister of Education at Lancaster University this month.
The call came during LUSO 2018, the annual meeting of the Portuguese Association of Researchers and Students in the UK.
The Minister, Dr Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, stressed that the non-participation of scientists left the space open to others less knowledgeable about those topics and, sometimes, with their own agendas.
He spoke during the one-day conference at a panel event with Dr Mike Galsworthy from Scientists for EU and Professor Robert Geyer, the Lancaster University Academic Director (International).
Dr Galsworthy said that, despite adverse events felt from the Brexit decision, one positive result was that there was more interest about science in all sectors from the British Government. He said citizens too were today more aware about the role of science in shaping industrial policy and investments.
Professor Geyer mentioned the role that researchers and academics could play in shaping public policies that helped citizens trust public services. Further to that, he added that public policies played an important role in current democracies.
The event, which attracted interest from the Portuguese media, was attended by 60 delegates and other special guests including the Portuguese Ambassador in the UK Mr Manuel Lobo Antunes and the UK's Ambassador to Portugal Kirsty Hayes.
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