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Master's study in Entrepreneurship and Strategy

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About our Master's

The Department for Entrepreneurship and Strategy offers three unique MSc programmes that combine theory and practice in powerful ways. MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation prepares a new generation of entrepreneurs with an advanced understanding of, and practical experience in, entrepreneurial actions and processes of innovation and commercialisation. MSc in International Business and Strategy equips graduates with the key capabilities for success in the international arena. MSc Strategy develops your capabilities as strategic thinkers, decision-makers and implementers.

The Benefits

A few of the reasons why Lancaster stands out from the rest.

Master's courses

Find out more about our Master's programmes.

Connected to business

Our Entrepreneurs in Residence provide advice and support for students on our Master's programmes, enabling you to benefit from their wealth of experience.

Entrepreneurs in Residence


For many students, the desire to boost their career prospects and perhaps accelerate their progression to senior roles is a key reason behind studying for a Master's degree. In recognition of this, Lancaster University Management School provides a range of facilities to support students in their career development and job search process.

Tab Content: Careers Support

The Careers Team at LUMS helps you shape your career plans and supports your job-hunting process in five key ways:

  • Personalised one-to-one support
    Regular drop-in clinics for quick career queries, reviewing CVs or applications and getting tips on succeeding at assessment centres. There are also more detailed one-to-one appointments for exploring options and discussing your career strategy.
  • In-class sessions
    Interactive workshops on areas such as career strategies, writing CVs and applications, interview skills, psychometric testing, what to expect at assessment centres, and online networking strategies.
  • Extensive programme of events
    Each year, around 100 events, including careers fairs, organised by the LUMS team bring top employers onto campus. Your chance to attend presentations, book personal appointments, and attend employer-led skills sessions.
  • Specialist resources
    Specialist online careers resources and a well-stocked careers room give you access to industry publications and global labour market intelligence, helping you prepare winning applications and research employers before interview.
  • Access to our alumni networks
    We invite LUMS and Lancaster University alumni back to campus to share their professional experience and tips with you. You can tap into the expertise and know-how of more than 40,000 LUMS alumni worldwide, and the University's even larger alumni network – a valuable resource not only while you are at Lancaster but throughout your career.
LUMS Careers service

Tab Content: Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Each year the mix of final destinations will vary, reflecting the different interests and aspirations of the students within the class. Our graduates typically undertake one of the following career paths:

  • Setting up a new venture – many of our students are able, at the end of the programme or after some working experience in a company – to launch their own business and become successful entrepreneurs.
  • Becoming a “corporate entrepreneur” – many of our students develop an entrepreneurial career working as a corporate entrepreneur, entrepreneur or corporate development manager in larger companies. Companies that have recently hired our graduates include, for instance, Accenture, British Airways, Deloitte, Enterprise plc, Fujitsu, Game Insight, HSBC, IBM, IT Works, KPMG, OMD UK, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, The Co-operative Group, and Unilever.

Finally, some of our students have a family business background and, after completing the programme, join the family business taking major responsibilities and growing as next generation leaders able to grow and develop the family business to the next generation of products and markets.

Tab Content: International Business

The programme provides you with advanced problem-solving capabilities needed by global managers. Throughout the year you will have the opportunity to enhance your employability and value for future employers. In particular, you will get in-depth experience in giving presentations, report-writing and IT skills, negotiation, team-work, leadership and the ability to plan and manage a demanding schedule of work.