Welcome to the Pathways to Health and Wealth event at Lancaster University.

Dr Karen Wright
Bringing together the expertise from across the faculties of Health and Medicine, Science and Technology and the Management School, the Pathways to Health and Wealth event provided a practical guide to navigating the complete route to market with Lancaster University.
The event took place at the Lancaster Management School on Monday March 31st 2014.
We were delighted that Dr Mark Treherne from UKTI was our keynote speaker. He has a wealth of experience and a key national role in leading major initiatives to enable the university, NHS and business sectors to work more closely and more productively together.
The event showcased the university's work with the business and health sectors, involving a wide range of activities with local, national and international businesses. Lancaster is a small but highly successful research intensive University, with a strong track record of success in Industry engagement and support.
Through the Lancaster Health Hub, and our enterprise partners in each of the faculties, and our links with larger networks regionally and nationally we can help your business access funding, navigate NHS networks and deliver your products and services to market.
By working together and crossing sectoral boundaries, we are able to source expertise specifically for your company.
Although the Pathways to Health and Wealth event has now finished, my colleagues and I hope you will use this site to find out more about our services.
Dr Karen Wright
16:00 - Networking, Exhibition, Meet the Experts
17:00 - Keynote Speakers
18:00 - Networking, Exhibition, Meet the Experts
19:00 - End
We showcased a number of case studies of the university working with external partners from the health sector.
In a second area at the event our research themes were represented via an exhibition and demonstrations from Lancaster academics and students.
Pathways to Health and Wealth presented an opportunity to network with like-minded individuals from across the wide-ranging health sector including individuals from local SMEs, the NHS, public sector organisations and academia.
Meet the Experts
Four expert groups were organised to provide direct advice in the following areas:
- Engaging with the NHS
- Engaging with Lancaster University
- Accessing funding
- Accessing wider networks
Keynote Speakers
During the event, delegates heard from three key note speakers who presented their thoughts on developments in the health sector and collaborations with universities.
A National and International Perspective
Dr Mark Treherne
UKTINavigating the NHS
Dr Liz Mear
North West Coast Academic Health Science NetworkThe Lancaster Perspective
Prof. Mark E. Smith
Vice-Chancellor, Lancaster University