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CoCoNet Study​

The COVID-19 Contact Network Study

By better understanding how social contact patterns are changing in the UK, we can improve predictions of COVID-19 transmission.

The CoCoNet Study

The CoCoNet study aims to measure the social contact patterns of people in the UK during the pandemic, to understand how the spread of COVID-19 is affected by our social behaviour.

The results of the survey will be used to improve modelled predictions of COVID-19 transmission in the UK, and to help identify which restrictions could be lifted safely in the future. The research may also be used to inform contact tracing efforts and the NHS Test and Trace system.​

This is an online anonymous survey which should only take about 5 - 10 minutes to complete. People of all ages and occupations who live in the UK are encouraged to take part. The survey asks participants questions about how often they leave their home, the number of people they encounter during a day and which types of locations they visit.

Thank you for your interest in the COVID-19 Contact Network Study. Round 2 of the survey is now live, open to new participants and those that completed the survey in round 1. Please read the Participant Information Sheet which explains why this research is taking place and what will be expected from you if you decide to participate. This survey is completely anonymous so please answer questions as honestly as you can. Your answers are confidential and we will not be able to identify you.

Take part in the study


Should you feel concerned or distressed either as a result of taking part, or in the future, the following resources may help:

  • If you need medical help, visit: NHS 111 online
  • If you are struggling because of COVID-19 and need support, visit: GOV.UK Coronavirus Support
  • If you need help with your mental health or wellbeing, visit:​

NHS Mental Health services

Mind Coronavirus Information and Support

COVID-19 Contact Network Study - Information for participants

Information Sheet for Participants | Information Sheet for Children

Research Team

If you have any questions about the study, please get in touch with one of the research team. General enquiries can also be sent to

Jonathan Read

Dr Jonathan Read

Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics

CHICAS, DSI - Health

Christopher Jewell

Professor Christopher Jewell

Professor in Statistics

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Biostatistics , CHICAS, DSI - Health, MARS: Mathematics for AI in Real-world Systems, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training

Jessica Bridgen

Dr Jessica Bridgen

Senior Research Associate - MARS

Bayesian and Computational Statistics, Biostatistics , CHICAS, DSI - Health


Round 1 Report

Thank you to everyone that took part in Round 1 of the CoCoNet survey. A short report is available summarising our findings from Round 1.