About the gridThe Dutch CEFR Construct GRID is no longer available. The following artifcle describes what it was and how it could be used, Analysing Tests of Reading and Listening in Relation to the Common European Framework of Reference: The Experience of The Dutch CEFR Construct Project. Acknowledgements This instrument evolved during the Dutch CEFR Construct Project,
funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education.
The aim of the Project was to develop an instrument that would help test developers and item bankers to relate their tests of reading and/ or listening to the Common European Framework of Reference (large pdf file: 1.1 MB). This Project is in many ways complementary to the Manual Project of the Council of Europe (external links). An important component of the linking process is to characterise the content of test items and tasks, and the Project Team believes that this process can be facilitated by completing this Grid. However, an equally important component is the analysis of the empirical results of the test on suitable samples of the intended population. Only once the results of the content analysis have been combined with the standards set by a standard setting process as described in the Manual (large pdf file: 1.27 MB), based on the empirical results of the test, can a claimed link to the CEFR be explored.