Understanding and Activing Wtihin Loweswater: A community approach to cathment management
Department of Sociology, Bowland North, Lancaster University, LA1 4YD, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1524 594178 Fax: +44 (0) 1524 594256 E-mail: sociology@lancaster.ac.uk
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Welcome to the Loweswater Care Project Website.

'Understanding and Acting within Loweswater: A Community Approach to Catchment Management' was a three year interdisciplinary research project (2007-2010) funded by the Rural Economy and Land Use Programme, or RELU. The Loweswater Care Project (LCP) was formed as part of this project. It was envisaged as a new institutional meachism that could enable local people, farmers, scientists, researchers, institutional representatives and others to come and work together as equals on the complex challenges posed by blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) present in Loweswater, one of the smaller Lake District lakes.

This website provides information about this project, its background, aims and objectives. It contains a wealth of information about what we have collectively achieved in Loweswater in the past few years. The Research Resources page on this site will prove particularly useful to those who want to engage more deeply which what we have done. It contains links to and information about reports, the LCPs booklet, journal articles, radio- and television broadcasts, and other dissemination materials. The other pages on this site provide background information and detail about the research approaches and methodologies used in the course of the project.

The LCP is now a community run group and publicizes its activities through the Melbreak Communities website.

pictures of Loweswater

Sociological Impact in Loweswater

Claire Waterton

Dr Claire Waterton is part of a collaborative team of academics, farmers and residents involved in the Loweswater Care Project, which continues to carry out research.

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Lancaster University


Rural Economy and Land Use


Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

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