Draft of DAMSL: Dialog Act Markup in Several Layers

James Allen and Mark Core

March 31, 1997


1 Preliminaries

2 Utterance-Tags

2.1 Communicative-Status

2.2 Information-Level

2.3 Forward-Communicative-Function

2.4 Backward Communicative Function

3 Segments

4 Tagging Cue Words and Speech Repairs

5 Mechanics of Annotating

6 Appendix: Outstanding Issues

This manual describes a system for annotating dialogs. It marks important characteristics of utterances that indicate their role in the dialog and their relationship to each other. This annotation scheme has been defined in order to provide a top-level structure for annotating a range of dialogs for many different purposes. For any particular project, we would expect that the annotation scheme would be refined to provide further detail on phenomena of interest. By agreeing to this standard, however, we would increase the chances that annotations done in one project for one purpose would be reusable later in other projects and for other purposes.

1 Preliminaries

A dialog is a spoken, typed or written interaction in natural language between two or more agents. This scheme was developed primarily for two-agent task- oriented dialogs, in which the participants collaborate to solve some problem. Terms such as speaker and listener will be used in this manual, however, those working with typed dialogs or with dialogs with more than two participants should substitute "currently contributing participant" for "speaker". "listener" refers to the person that the speaker directs their utterance toward or to the person who responds to the speaker's utterance in the case where the speaker does not direct his speech at a single person.

A dialog is divided into units called turns, in which a single speaker has temporary control of the dialog and speaks/writes for some period of time. Within a turn, the speaker may produce several spoken or typed utterance units. While there are many possible ways to define utterances, here we based the notion of utterance on an analysis of the intentions of the speaker (the speech act). This is described further in section 3, the section on segmentation. For each utterance, the annotation involves making choices along several dimensions, each one describing a different orthogonal aspect of each utterance unit.

In the unannotated dialogs as well as the examples in this manual, the start of utterance units will be preceded by an utterance name such as utt1 or utt2, and the turns will be marked to the left of the utterances (space permitting). The dialog excerpt below shows the formatting; the excerpt contains three utterance units, two spoken by u ("I need a" and "okay") and one by s ("so you've got the engines at Elmira and uh").




I need a








so you've got the engines at Elmira and uh

In spoken dialogs, when one speaker interrupts the other, speakers will sometimes talk at the same time. Words of overlapping speech are marked with numbered square brackets with the number in parenthesis next to the right bracket. You can match up overlapping sections by finding all the bracketed text with the same index. Consider the two utterance units below. Here, "assuming" and "okay" are marked as overlapping since they are both are bracketed with number 1 brackets.




uh would take two hours <sil> [assuming](1) you have




an engine at Bath





You will be classifying each utterance unit along several dimensions (using Utterance-Tags) in order to record the unit's purpose and role in the dialog. Generally, the dimensions are orthogonal, and you can find examples of any possible combination of labels. We will explicitly point out a few places where this does not seem to hold.

A special dimension called Communicative-Status is used to mark utterances that appear to be abandoned in mid-stream or which are impossible to under- stand. In general, if utterances are marked as being defective in one of these ways, you don't need to complete the rest of the annotation.

2 Utterance-Tags

The utterance tags all indicate some particular aspect of the utterance unit itself, summarizing the intentions of the speaker (i.e., why the utterance was spoken) and the content of the utterance. These tags can be classified into four main categories:

Note that utterances do not need to always have a component at each level. For instance, some utterances may have no forward looking function, while others might have no backward looking function.

2.1 Communicative-Status

This utterance tag records certain features of an utterance unit such as whether it was interpretable. Unlike the other categories where a choice needs to be made between options, here the features are independent of each other. Since these features only mark exceptional circumstances, most utterance units have no features marked in this classification. The features marked are


The utterance unit is not comprehensible. It may or may not be Self-talk depending on how it sounds. These utterances are rare and are usually word fragments although sometimes bad grammar and bad pronunciation/typing can make an utterance impossible to understand. An utterance may also be semantically ill-formed although syntactically perfect.


Sometimes a speaker will make an error in their utterance or change their mind about what they are going to say, and simply abandon their utterance. Such fragments are marked as abandoned only if they provide no content to the dialog, i.e., the import of the dialog would not change if these utterance units were removed. If the utterance does provide content to the dialog, it should not be marked abandoned and should be annotated as usual. In the example below, the abandoned utterance "so I pick up" does not provide content to the dialog and so is labeled abandoned.




so I pick up ..




can I take oranges um on tankers from Corning

Note that just because an utterance is broken off, it does not mean it is abandoned as defined here. If it contributes content to the dialogue, then it is not marked as abandoned. For instance, consider



You'll need two boxcars.



okay, and we-

Utt2 is not marked as abandoned as it serves at least to acknowledge utt1, and possibly to accept it. Thus it contributes content to the dialogue.


The utterance unit consists of one speaker talking to him or herself. We assume this does not occur in typed dialogs. This is impossible to detect without listening to the actual speech. Just because an utterance is labeled as Self-talk doesn't mean that the other agent can't hear it, or can't use the information. It simply means that the speaker appears to not be intending to communicate what is being said.


While most of the categories are fairly straightforward, more examples and explanation are needed concerning what makes an utterance Abandoned. If a complete clause is uttered then it should not be considered abandoned even if some extension to the clause is broken off. In the dialog excerpt below, "it's four hours" is a clause. u never gets to start the new clause introduced by "and" but "it's four hours and" should not be labeled abandoned, since the content of "it's four hours" has been communicated in the dialog. "how long" should be labeled Abandoned because it does not play a part in the dialog.




mm <click> okay




four hours from Avon to Bath




and then I guess attach that to the boxcar to Corning




it's four hours and




how long




it is two hours from Bath to Corning

In this example, "um then go to Corn-" would be labeled abandoned even though it was broken by s instead of u.




then take one more boxcar from Bath to Corning <click> fill up with oranges




um <sil> then go to [Corn-](1)




[there are no](1) boxcars available with Bath unless you're talking about the ones that are filled with bananas

2.2 Information-Level

The Information-Level annotation provides an abstract characterization of the content of the utterance. In task-oriented dialogs, we can roughly divide utterances into those that address the task in some way, those that address the communication process (Communication-management), and those that do not fall neatly into either category (Other-level). In addition, we can subdivide the first category into utterances that advance the task (Task) and those that discuss the problem solving process or experimental scenario (Task-management).



The majority of utterances in most domains involve performing the task that is the reason for the dialog, such as making an airline reservation or scheduling a meeting. Utterances whose content is at the Task level directly move ahead (or attempt to move ahead) the goals of the domain. Each different domain must specify clearly what the task is and characterize the types of activities that occur while doing the task. It is not possible to make the level distinction without this information. As an example, in TRAINS the domain involves developing plans to move trains and cargo from one city to another. Examples of utterances at the Task level include questions about the state of the world (e.g., "Is there a train at Avon?", "When will it arrive?"), suggestions of routes (e.g., "Let's send the engine at Bath to Corning"), utterances discussing the plan (e.g., "That won't work because there's a long delay in Pittsburgh"), and utterances that ask about general properties of the domain such as questions about capabilities (e.g., "How many boxcars can an engine carry", "Can two trains run on the same track at the same time?").

Task Management

Utterances at this level explicitly address the problem solving process and experimental procedure. This includes utterances that involve coordinating the activities of the two speakers (e.g., "Are you keeping track of the time?", "Let's work on getting the train to Avon first", "Forget about that problem for a while"), asking for help on the procedures (e.g., "Do I need to state the problem?") or asking about the status of the process (e.g., "Are we done?"). In domains where the task involves building a plan such as TRAINS, it is important to distinguish between utterances that concern the plan, which are Task level, and utterances that involve the problem solving process, which are Task-management level. For instance, consider a situation in a TRAINS dialogue where a plan has been proposed; a question "will that work?" will be a Task level utterance because evaluating possible plans is part of the task.


Utterances at this level include conventional phrases that maintain contact, perception, and understanding during the communication process, and include greetings (e.g., "hello"), closings ("Good Bye"), acknowledgments (e.g., "Okay", "uh-huh" or repeating part of what the speaker said), stalling for time (e.g., "Okay", "Let me see"), or signals of speech repairs (e.g., "oops") or misunderstandings ("sorry?", "huh?"). They also might address the communication process explicitly, say to establish the communication channel (e.g., "Are you there?", and answering with "I'm here"), to address communication problems (e.g., "I didn't hear/understand what you said"), or to explicitly manage delays or maintain the turn (e.g., "Wait a minute").


This tag indicates that the utterance unit does not fall neatly into the Task, Task-management, or Communication-management category even though it may be relevant to the dialog. Jokes, non-sequitors, and small talk would fit into this category.


In coding this dimension, you should remember that every utterance has a Communication component in some sense, but that utterances should be marked at the Communication-management level only when they make no direct contribution to solving the task. In other words, Communication-management level utterances are concerned exclusively with maintaining the conversation and if they were removed, the conversation might be less fluent but would still have the same content relative to the task and how it was solved. For instance, the greeting "hi" could be considered at the Task level in the sense that it starts the process of performing the task. Removing the utterance, however, would have no significant effect on the task or the way it was performed, thus we know its function is mainly at the Communication-management level.

Sometimes it is tricky distinguishing between Task-management and Communication-management, as utterances at either level may not add content directly relevant to the Task. For example, consider the utterance "Sorry for taking so long" which causes problems because it can be interpreted as apology both for not answering quickly enough (Communication-management) or for slowing down the interaction (Task-management). If you think that such an utterance has a component of both readings, however, then it should be labeled as Task-management.

Making the distinction between Task and Task-management can also be tricky in dialogues where the task involves solving a problem and/or developing a plan. Since the task involves building and evaluating plans, utterances such as "does the plan work?", and "how does that sound" should be marked at the Task level. Utterances referring to the current problem to be solved should also be labeled Task: "what is the problem", "the problem is we need to get two boxcars of oranges to Avon", "we have to get two boxcars of bananas to Corning", "is there a time limit", etc. The utterances that are most complicated appear to have interpretations at both levels. For instance, the utterance "does that solve the problem?" could be intended as a request to check if the plan should work (a Task level utterance) or might be intended to ask whether the session is done (i.e., a paraphrase of "Are we done with the task?" which is an Task-management level utterance). In cases where it seems to do both, we will mark it at the Task-management level.

Note that when answering a question at one level, the answer is usually, though not always, at the same level. Question-answer pairs can occur naturally at these levels as seen in the following examples:




How long does it take to get to Corning?




Three hours.




Do I have to state the problem?








Can you hear me.





2.3 Forward-Communicative-Function

The purposes behind an utterance are very complex. This dimension characterizes what effect an utterance has on the subsequent dialogue and interaction. For instance, as the result of an utterance, is the speaker now committed to certain beliefs, or to performing certain future actions. Note that the effect that an utterance has on the subsequent interaction may differ from what the speaker initially intended by the utterance. Complicated examples where there are differences will be discussed after the basic scheme is introduced. Often, there are many different effects simultaneously achieved by an utterance. To allow for this, the coding in this dimension allows four different aspects of every utterance to be coded. Specific constraints on how many aspects you can code at a time and the criteria for choosing between cases where several seem applicable will be specified in the domain-specific annotation instructions. As a default case, you can assume that you should code all aspects that are applicable.


-- Assert

-- Reassert

-- Other-statement

-- Open-option

-- Directive









Other-forward-function [redundant!]


The primary purpose of statements (utterances having a tag in the statement aspect) is to make claims about the world as in utterances such as "It's raining outside" and in answers to questions. As a rule, the content of statements can be evaluated as being true or false. Note that the speaker does not have to be strongly claiming that something is true or false. This classification also includes weak forms of statement such as hypothesizing or suggesting that something might be true. Note also that we are only coding utterances that make explicit claims about the world, and not utterances that implicitly claim that something is true. As a intuitive test as to whether an utterance makes an explicit claim, consider whether the utterance could be followed by "That's not true". For example, the utterance "Let's take the train from Dansville" presupposes that there is a train at Dansville, but this utterance is not considered a statement. You couldn't coherently reply to this suggestion with "That's not true".

Figure 1 shows a decision tree for the statement aspect. The top level is an applicability condition that tests whether an utterance should be coded along this aspect. We only code utterances that make an explicit claim about the world. If the statement aspect is applicable, the decision tree then indicates how to select the appropriate tag. The key distinction for the Assert tag is that the speaker is trying to change the beliefs of the hearer. If this is not true, then a further distinction is made depending on whether the claim has been made previously in the dialogue or not.

Figure 1: Decision Tree for Statement Aspect

Influencing-addressee-future-action (Influence-on-listener)

The primary purpose of this aspect is to influence the hearer's future action, as in the case of requests ("Show me the congested cities") or questions ("When will it arrive?"). A quick test to see if an utterance is in this aspect is to see whether the hearer could coherently respond with "I can't do that" or "I can't tell you". While this test accounts for most cases, there are some examples where an utterance is in this class but the test fails. For instance, in TRAINS, say the participants are discussing how to get some oranges to Bath, and one says "There's an engine at Avon", suggesting that they could use that engine to move the oranges. This utterance falls into this aspect but could not be followed by "I can't do that", although the variant "I can't use that engine" is fine. There are many verbs in English that describe variations of these acts that differ in strength, including acts like command, request, invite, suggest and plead. These distinctions in strength are not captured in the current annotation scheme.

What is captured in this scheme is the distinction concerning whether the speaker is merely laying out options for the addressee's future action (the Open-option tag), or actually would personally like the hearer to perform a certain action (the Directive tags). An example of an Open-option utterance (abbreviated here as OO) from a furniture purchasing domain is shown below.



Let's buy the living room furniture first.




OO, Assert


I have a red sofa for $150 or a blue one for $200.

Here is an example of an Open-option utterance from the TRAINS domain.



I need to get the train at Avon to Bath.



You could go through Corning.

The Directive tags are subdivided into whether the action requested involves providing the speaker with information. Info-request includes all questions, including yes/no questions such as "Is there an engine at Bath?" and "The train arrives at 3 pm right?", and wh-questions such as "When does the next flight to Paris leave?" as well as actions that are not questions but request information all the same such as "Tell me the time" as well as requests for other actions that can be used to communicate, such as "Show me where that city is on the map". All other Directives are in the Action-directive class, and include examples such as "Take the train to Avon" and "Please speak more slowly".

Figure 2: Decision Tree for Influencing-addressee-future-action

Action-directives are often expressed as questions as in the common utterance "Can you open the door". In such cases, you have to decide whether the utterance counts as an Action-directive in the dialogue. If it does, then it is tagged as an Action-directive and the Info-request aspect (if any) cannot be tagged. This may be modified in the final annotation scheme.

Committing-speaker-future-action (Influence-on-speaker)

The defining property of utterances with this aspect is that they potentially commit the speaker (in varying degrees of strength) to some future course of action. The only distinction made within this aspect is whether the utterance's commitment is conditional on the listener's agreement or not. Commits that are conditional on the Addressee's agreement include what are called offers in English where the speaker indicates willingness to commit to an action if the hearer accepts it. The prototypical case of a commit not dependent on listener agreement is a promise, although this category may include other weaker forms of commitment such as "I'll probably be at the meeting at 3". The speaker is not making an offer here, he or she is just not making a very strong commitment.

Here are some examples:

Typical Offers:

Shall I come to your office

I'm free at 3 (in context of setting up a meeting)

Figure 3: Decision Tree for Committing-speaker-future-action

Offers with explicit conditions:

I'll be free after four if my meeting ends on time

I can meet at 3 if you're free

A weak Commit:

Maybe I'll come to your party


I'll come to your party

I promise that I'll be there

Utterances that accept a previous request will typically be a commit, as in the following dialogue:



Will you come to my party?






Take the engine from Corning to Bath.





Acts under this category do not form a natural category, but are grouped together as they are relatively rare. They include (1) conventional conversational actions such as greeting and saying goodbye, and (2) explicit performatives where the speaker explicitly declares what is performed, as in firing someone by saying "You're fired", or, in TRAINS, quitting the task by saying "I quit" and (3) exclamations such as "Ouch".

Note that acts that are conventional openings or closings can be coded on other aspects as well. For example, at the start of a dialogue the utterance "Can I help you" could serve both as a Conventional-opening and as an offer.

A good intuitive test for the explicit performative class is whether you can insert the word "hereby" before the verb. For example, since "You're hereby fired" has approximately the same meaning as "You're fired", we know this is an explicit performative. The utterance "I want to go to the store" is not since "I hereby want to go to the store" is difficult to interpret, and in contexts where it might be understandable, the meaning would have changed.


Note that the Forward Looking Function is a characterization of what effect the utterance has on the dialogue, even though the actual form of the sentence might look like something else. Each utterance could have multiple tags in this aspect depending on how many functions it simultaneously performs. As an example, in the right context, an utterance such as "There is an engine at Avon" could be both an Assert and an Open-option (stating the possibility of using that engine to move some cargo).

Other examples arise in dialogs where the agents are performing a task together. For instance, if the two agents are trying to agree on how to furnish a room, a suggestion like "Why don't we use the red sofa for the living room" is both a Offer (roughly, if you agree then I will use the sofa) and an Open-option (roughly, I state the possibility of you using that sofa). If this utterance is accepted by the hearer, then the net effect is that both participants are committed to using the red sofa.

Note the the previous version of this scheme had a separate category for conventional acts like thanking and apologizing. These acts now fall into different categories based on the tests presented. For instance, an utterance like "I'm sorry" is an Assert as it makes a claim about the world, which you can see by observing that it could be followed by the response "No you're not". The utterance "Thank you", on the other hand, cannot be responded to in such a way and only falls into the explicit performative category (observe that "I hereby thank you" is fine).

Short utterances such as "okay" and "yes" can have many different interpretations depending on how they are being used. In fact, they can be Asserts, Commits and even Other-forward-functions. If the utterance conveys information in answering a question, then the utterance is only an Assert, as in the dialogue




is there a train at Chicago?





On the other hand, if the utterance commits the speaker to a certain action, say in response to a request or invitation, then it should only be labeled as a Commit




tell me if the route gets too long





Cases where the speaker utters an "okay" to accept a request and then performs the act requested are also marked as a commit, even though the action to which the speaker is committing is performed immediately after, e.g.,




can you tell me the time?








three o'clock.

Utterances such as "okay" can also be used not only to convey information but to manage the dialog, possibly to hold the turn, or to signal the introduction of a new topic. In these cases, the forward function of these utterances is not directly captured in the annotation scheme, and they should be marked as Other-forward-function. This category serves as a place holder for groups that want to analyze such utterances. Some communicative functions for these utterances are also captured in the annotation of backwards communicative function that is described next.

2.4 Backward Communicative Function

Backwards communicative functions indicate how the current utterance relates to the previous discourse. For example, an utterance might answer, accept, reject, or try to correct some previous utterance or utterances. To capture these backward functions, we need to both identify the type of backward function and indicate the previous stretch of discourse that is being affected.

The previous utterance unit or set of units being responded to by the current utterance will be called the antecedent. The relations we consider here are local, and their antecedent typically is either the previous utterance unit or at least, in the previous turn. For the moment, we will assume that antecedents are single utterances near the current utterance, and in our examples, these will be marked in parentheses after the backwards function tag. Constraints on what can be an antecedent and how to annotate complicated cases will be discussed after the basic set of tags is introduced.

There are four semi-independent aspects coded in this dimension. The first concerns relations affecting agreement about the task or whatever the topic of discussion is. The second concerns relations that signal understanding (or non- understanding). The third marks utterances that answer previous information requests. The fourth concerns the relationships between the informational con- tent in utterances and is not developed further in this version of the annotation scheme. It provides a place holder for individual projects to define their own set of relations for their specific domains. The possibility of developing an abstract domain-independent level will be considered for later versions of this manual.

Backwards Communicative Act

-- Accept

-- Accept-part

-- Maybe

-- Reject-part

-- Reject

-- Hold

-- Signal-non-understanding

-- Signal-understanding




-- Correct-misspeaking


The agreement aspect codes how the current utterance unit affects what the participants believe they have agreed to, typically at the task level. These relations occur in contexts where one agent has made some kind of proposal such as a request that the hearer do something, an offer that the speaker do something, or a claim about the world. The current utterance then indicates the other participant's view of the proposal. In general, the agent may accept or reject all or part of the proposal, or may simply be noncommittal on the proposal, or may leave the proposal open by requesting additional information or exploring the consequences.

Assuming the current speaker directly addresses another speaker's proposal, they could respond in one of the five ways shown in the example below. Note, the label of Maybe applies to cases like the one below where the speaker explicitly states that they cannot give a definite answer at that moment.




Would you like the book and its review?




Yes please.




I'd like the book.




I'll have to think about it




(intended literally rather than a polite reject)




I don't need the review.




No thanks

A response like "I'll take the book but not the review" will be segmented into two utterance units; one marked as Accept-part and the other as Reject-part.

Agreement can apply to cases other than proposals, as shown in the two examples below. In the first example, utt1 is an Open-option as it simply presents a possible option for solving a problem. Utt2 is still considered an accept though. Note, accepts are often words such as "alright", "yes", and "okay" as well as repetitions.




we can unload them and then reuse the boxcars on the way to Corning





Accepts also can occur in response to Asserts, indicating that the information conveyed is accepted.




boxcars don't travel by themselves





Accepts can also be used as a response to an information request, as in




can you tell me the time?








it's 5 o'clock

Utt3 is marked as an answer as discussed later.


The Hold tag applies to the case where the participant does not address the proposal but performs an act that leaves the decision open pending further discussion. This includes cases such as counter-proposals and questions that request additional information in order to help the participant make a decision (i.e., one sense of clarification request). This tag does not apply to cases where the speaker explicitly expresses uncertainty such as uttering "maybe".

In the dialog below, u's request is vague since there are two possible paths so s makes a clarification request by asking a question.




take the train to Corning

Info-request, Hold(utt1)



should we go through Dansville or Bath

Assert, Answer(utt2)




Instead of asking a question, a responder may make a clarification statement as shown below. This is also marked as a hold.




how long will that take




you want to go from Avon to Dansville




that's 5 hours

In the examples below, s's suggestion of an alternative route should be as marked as a Hold if you think that s is leaving the original option open, but as a Reject-part if not.




take the train to Avon via Bath

Open-option, Hold(utt1)



How about we go via Corning instead




take the train to Avon via Bath

Action-directive, Reject-part(utt1)



Go via Corning instead

Figure 4: Decision Tree for Agreement Aspect


This aspect concerns the actions that speakers take in order to make sure that they are understanding each other as the conversation proceeds. There are many levels of "understanding", ranging from merely hearing the words to fully identifying the speaker's intention. Here we group most of these levels together so that if the hearer is said to have understood the speaker, then the hearer knows what the speaker meant by the utterance.

Utterances that explicitly indicate a problem in understanding the antecedent are labeled as Signal-non-understanding. As an applicability test for Signal- non-understanding, you should be able to roughly paraphrase a Signal-non-understanding utterance as "What did you say/mean?". Note that not all clarification questions signal non-understanding. Clarification questions labeled as Hold in the Agreement aspect involve acquiring additional information about how or why something was requested or proposed, and do not signal misunderstanding. Below are some examples of questions that are Signal-non- understanding (SNU) utterances.




Take the train to Dansville






(i.e., What did you say?)




What did you say?.

(i.e., What did you say?)




to Dansville?

(i.e., What did you say?)




did you say Dansville?

(i.e., What did you say?)




Dansville, New York?

(i.e., What did you mean?)




Which train?

(i.e., What did you mean?)

On the other hand, responses that query how to comply with the speaker's request/proposal, or that question its desirability ("why are we doing this") are marked as Hold acts at the Agreement level and are not marked as Signal-nonunderstanding:




Take the train to Dansville?





through Avon?

(i.e, How shall we take the train)




to get the oranges?

(i.e., Why are we taking the train)




Should it leave immediately?

(i.e., When should we take the train)

Utterances that explicitly signal understanding are marked with a Signal- understanding tag. Note that any utterance that doesn't explicitly indicate non-understanding implicitly indicates understanding. You do not need to mark such cases. Rather, there are some specific mechanisms used to explicitly signal understanding that we are interested in. Note in many cases, such utterances may also count as Accept acts at the understanding level. However, the examples below are Signal-understanding utterances (acknowledgements) that are not acceptances.

Acknowledgements are utterances consisting of short phrases such as "okay", "yes", and "uh-huh", that signal that the previous utterance was understood without necessarily signaling acceptance, as in




Take the Avon train to Dansville








But wouldn't using the Bath train be faster?

Sometimes an acknowledgement interrupts a sentence as in the example below.




if I take the engine and a boxcar from Elmira








how long will that take

Another common case involves acknowledgements that are performed while the other agent is still speaking, which are often called backchannel responses.

An example here is




The we take the engine at Avon [to Bath](1) for the oranges





Of course, many times an acknowledgement also counts as an acceptance in which case it will be marked at both levels. In cases where it is uncertain whether the acknowledgement accepts the antecedent, then the utterance can still be marked unambiguously as an acknowledge, and can be labelled as a possible accept using the uncertainty modifier at the agreement level, as in




It would take two hours [assuming](1) you have an engine at Bath

Ack(utt1), Accept(utt1)?




The Repeat-rephrase tag is used for utterances that repeat or paraphrase what was just said in order to signal that the speaker has been understood. Like acknowledgments, Repeat-rephrases do not necessarily make any further commitment as to whether the responder agrees with or believes the antecedent.




do you need the bananas [in boxcars](1) at Bath




[the bananas](1)

Sometimes a listener will show understanding by finishing or adding to the clause that a speaker is in the middle of constructing. Such phenomena are marked with the Completion tag as shown in the example below. In utt2, u extends utt1 by uttering a conjunction and the elliptical clause, "then back to Corning".




with the other engine uh we're going to Corning to Dansville to pick up the other boxcars




and then back to Corning

The Correct-misspeaking tag is used for utterances that by offering a correction indicate that the hearer believes that the speaker has not said what he or she actually intended. In the example below, u misspeaks by saying "engine E" instead of "engine E one" and s offers a correction.




so we should move the engine at Avon engine E to




engine E one




E one to Bath

This category only applies to cases where another speaker makes a correction. If u had corrected himself then no Correct-misspeaking label would be applied to this section of the dialog. There is currently no dimension in this scheme for annotating such speech repairs.


The Answer aspect is simply a binary dimension where utterances can be marked as complying with an info-request action in the antecedent. A standard question answer is shown below.




can I take oranges um on tankers from Corning

Assert, Answer(utt1)



no you may not they must be in boxcars

Most questions are answered with one or more declarative sentences although it is possible to answer a question with an imperative as shown in the example below. Note this imperative-looking answer is also marked as an Assert act as its forward function is to provide information rather than to influence u's future action. The answer is also an Open-option because it describes one option for u's future action.




How do I get to Corning?

Assert, Open-option, Answer(utt1)



Go via Bath.

Sometimes a speaker will answer an implicit or indirect question. The general rule of thumb is to consider whether the implicit or indirect question was obvious enough to lead you to make the antecedent an Info-request. The example below is similar to the previous one except that u has not asked a question and we would not mark utt1 as an Info-request. Thus s's utterance is an Action-directive, a request, and is not considered an Answer that gives information and makes a suggestion.

Assertutt1:u:I need to get the train to Corning.  






Go via Bath.

Of course there are borderline cases where these distinctions are a matter of degree. For instance, if u says "I don't know how to get oranges to Corning", in many contexts this strongly suggests an implicit question and implies that a response like "You could get them from Bath" is an Answer. These difficult cases are left to the annotator's intuition, but the two utterances should be annotated consistently, so that if the second is an Answer, the first is an Info-request.

Consider an unambiguous case where we wouldn't mark an information request and hence don't mark an answer. Here A is trying to avoid going to a meeting, but B does not cooperate.



I should be at the meeting.



Luckily, I don't know what time it is.



It's 3 o'clock.

Because we do not consider utt2 as a request for information, we don't mark utt3 as an answer.

Note that clarification requests and other utterances that refuse to answer an Info-request are not considered answers. For instance, consider the dialogue fragment:




How can I get oranges to Corning?

Assert, Reject(utt1)



I don't know.

Here s states that he doesn't know the answer (and hence can't answer the question). Thus it is treated as a Reject just as in cases for non-information requests as in




Please open the door

Assert, Reject(utt1)



I can't, my arm is broken.


The fourth aspect of the backwards communicative act is the information relation, which captures how the content of the current utterance relates to the content of its antecedent. This category is not currently elaborated and will be the subject of future study. For the moment, this aspect provides a hook for individual groups to experiment with their own schemes for encoding this information.


Typically responses follow directly after the utterances that they are responding to. Sometimes, however, they are further apart and separated by a series of clarification requests, confirmations, and elaborations. Only those responses that still have a close contextual connection to their antecedent should be annotated. Unfortunately, we do not yet have a precise definition of "close contextual connection." For the short term, here are some guidelines for refining intuitions about how close an utterance(s) and its response must be. Assume that utterance X by s is a proposal, a claim, a question or some other act that can be responded to. Then this utterance can be part of an antecedent if

In such cases, the antecedent is marked as containing all the utterances from X up to the response. We expect that this definition of allowable antecedents may have to be modified after we have some additional experience coding and have seen where it breaks down.

Consider some examples of common cases that satisfy this definition.




We could use that train.

Info-request, Hold(utt1)



The one at Dansville?

Assert, Answer(utt2)








In this case, the option accepted is to use the train at Dansville, and the content of utt1-utt3 could be paraphrased as "We could use the train at Dansville".




We could use the train at Dansville.

Open-option, Hold(utt1)



Could we use one at Avon instead?

Assert, Reject(utt2)



No, I want it for something else.

Open-option, Hold(utt1-utt3)



How about the one at Corning then?

Assert, Accept(utt4)








In this example s produces two alternatives before an agreement is reached.

The content of the antecedent for utt6 could be paraphrased as "We could use the train at Corning".

The final example shows the initial speaker adding further elaboration before the question is answered.




How long will it take to get to Avon?

Info-request, Hold(utt1)



With engine E one?

Assert, Answer(utt2)







and going by way of Bath.

Assert, Answer(utt1-utt4)



Six hours.

Note that utt4 is classified as an Info-request even though it doesn't look like a question out of context. But it is said to influence u's future action and involves the act of providing information, hence it satisfies the definition of Info-request. This interpretation is further strengthened by considering that utt4 certainly is not making any claim about the world, nor committing u to any future action. The content of segment utt1-utt4 can be paraphrased as "How long will it take engine E one to get to Avon by way of Bath".

With keyboard dialogues, we need to generalize the definition of antecedent somewhat as a turn might contain several different interactions simultaneously, each of which are then addressed in the following turn: in a keyboard dialogue, a turn may be divided into several antecedents, each of which can be responded to in the next turn.

Consider the following keyboard dialogue from the Coconut domain where participants must agree on a set of furniture with which to furnish two rooms. The dialog shows how in keyboard dialogs, several responses (each with its own antecedent) may occur in the same turn. Note, Assert is abbreviated (AS) here.

Open-option, Offer



i do have a lamp-floor, blue. i have a green table (200) and four chairs for 75 a piece.




sorry I am taking so much time.




I lost a chair. Meghan is finding it




Not a problem with the time




sorry about the typo, my brain forgets that my fingers don't function as quick as it does.




the lamp and table sound good

We also may want to allow such structures in spoken dialogues, if we start to find cases where the more restrictive rule is a problem. Certainly a model of higher-level segmentation would predict that examples like the one above could occur naturally in spoken dialogue.

If we switch the example around a bit, however, we find a case involving a cross-serial dependency that can occur in keyboard dialogue but is extremely rare and possible disfluent in spoken dialogue:

Open-option,Offer utt1: M: i do have a lamp-floor, blue. i have a green table (200) and four chairs for (75) a piece.




sorry I am taking so much time.




I lost a chair. Meghan is finding it




the lamp and table sound good




Not a problem with the time




sorry about the typo ...

There may also be cases where you would like to mark more than one response relation for an utterance. We may consider adding this capability if there turns out to be a significant need. For the moment, however, if an utterance appears to realize several different responses, then you should annotate the one you feel is most important and relevant to the dialogue, and note the other interpretations using a Comment tag.

3 Segments

There are cases where we want to combine utterances into a group called a segment in order to construct units convenient for annotation. Sometimes the dialogue contains utterance units that do not make a full contribution by themselves, but have to be combined with other utterance units to have identifiable communicative functions.

In the example below, in the middle of her question u abandons an utterance and is interrupted by s. So we form a segment from utterances 1 through 5 and label that as an Info-request. Within the segment, we only mark forward and backward functions that are constant within the segment (except for interrupting acknowledgments such as utt2 and abandoned utterances such as utt3 which will have different forward and backward functions than the rest of the segment). Utt2 will be labeled as an Other-statement and an Acknowledgment although the segment itself receives no backward function and receives a forward function of Info-request. Similarly, utt3 receives no forward or backward function although the segment has a forward function of Info-request. Segments can be annotated just like utterance units. See section 5 for the mechanics of these actions in the dat annotation tool.

Info-request |




if I take the engine and a boxcar





from Elmira










uh I just use it





engine engine two and a boxcar from Elmira





to Corning





how long will that take





that would take two hours

In the example below, a segment is used to indicate that utt1 through utt4 form one Assert (AS), a description of a plan. Utt3 is labeled a Repeat and not an Accept since u continues speaking immediately afterwards. So it is unclear if s meant utt3 as just a Signal-understanding or as an Accept. Utt4 is labeled as a completion of utt1 since it seems as if u is just continuing her Completion after s's interruption.

AS |




with the other engine uh we're going to Corning





to Dansville to pick up the other boxcars





and then back to Corning





then back to Corning





to get the oranges

4 Tagging Cue Words and Speech Repairs

Spoken language contains many elements that function mainly to manage the interaction (i.e., turn taking) and to maintain reliable communication. Some of these elements include cases where the speaker is stalling for time while they think (keeping the turn in other words), signaling a speech repair/topic shift, or making a confirmation. This section describes how to label such phenomenon with the current annotation scheme.

As discussed before, cue words include words such as "okay" that, depending on the context and the way they are pronounced, can serve several different purposes in the dialog. When used as a response to a proposal, request or statement, it has the backwards function Accept and a forward function such as Commit. If it is used simply to signal understanding, then it has the backwards function Acknowledge and no forward function. On the other hand, if it is used to hold a turn or signal a topic shift, it has a forward function not captured with the current scheme except by the Other-forward-function label.

Consider the following example that contains two instances of "okay", one as an acceptance and the other as a cue word to maintain the turn. u first accepts s's directive with an "okay". Since the effect of this act is that the speaker is committed to get a tanker, it is marked as a Commit. u's second utterance seems to be further confirmation that utt1 was understood (and might even be labeled as an Accept instead of a Repeat-rephrase). Utt4 is a cue word uttered presumably in order to keep the turn or to signal a continuation of the topic. Presently, it would be labeled as Other-forward-function. Given its position in a series of utterances by u, and its intonation, it clearly is not a response to anything.




so I'm assuming you'll also be taking a tanker from [Corning](1)

Commit, Accept(utt1)



[oh](1) okay




take a tanker there








so its two hours ...

Sometimes, cue words like the one above will not be broken into their own utterance units. For example, u's third utterance above might have been "Okay, so its two hours ...". In this case, the most important aspect of the utterance unit is the Assert act, and the cue word's individual functions would be ignored.

Consider another example. Cue words such as "alright" may maintain a turn, confirm understanding, make an acceptance, or may signal a discourse event such as a speech repair or topic switch. In the example below, u utters the first "alright" with the intention to signal the description of a new plan. The second "alright" signals the second start of the restarted phrase. The current annotation scheme does not distinguish between these cases, and both are marked as Other-forward-function.




ah three p.m. that's not gonna work




alright um <breath>




if I take








if I take the engine and a boxcar from Elmira








uh I just use it

As previously noted, the utterance segmentation will affect how you label cue words. For instance, the last three utterance units above might have been a single unit (as shown below), in which case the speech repair would be ignored in favor of the completed act.

Assert, Task



if I take <sil> alright <sil> if I take the engine <sil> and a boxcar <sil> from Elmira

Sometimes a speaker is interrupted and their utterance is not completed. In these cases, you have to decide whether the utterance was abandoned in the sense that the dialog continues as though it were never said. In the example below, u never completes her question but s answers it anyway so utt1 is not marked abandoned.




so that's

Assert, Answer(utt1)



loading the orange <sil> juice will take another hour





5 Mechanics of Annotating

A new dialog annotation tool (dat) is available on our web site:


The site contains instructions on how to setup and run dat. When you start dat, you can give it a dialog file to open. You can also chose Open from the File menu to open a dialog. dat expects files to be in a format called DAMSL (Dialog Act Markup in Several Layers) which is a variant of SGML tailored to this application. The dat tool can convert raw text files into DAMSL and the man pages of dat contain more information about this format.

The sets of tags discussed previously can be applied through menus, buttons, and text fields (in the bottom half of the dat window) once an utterance or segment is selected. dat allows you to select utterances by clicking on them.

Clicking on another utterance while holding the shift key allows multiple utterances to be selected. Once you have selected one or more utterances, you may select various Utterance-Tags for the utterance(s). In addition, if the utterance(s) are a response then choose the appropriate Backward Function labels and indicate what was responded to, using the Response-to field. In this field, type the names of the utterances that a response pertains to, and separate names by dashes (NOT spaces). In the example below, you should type "utt1-utt2" in the Response-to field of utt3 since it accepts both utt1 and utt2.




take the engine to Corning




there will be a tanker there and we will take that to Elmira





The Communicative-Status tags are implemented as menus near the bottom of the screen. If a tag applies then select "yes" or "maybe" from its menu depending on how certain you are. All of the other dialog tags have question- mark buttons next to them allowing uncertainty to be encoded.

Once you are done annotating an utterance or a set of utterances, click the "Apply" button. Click "Reset" to eliminate any changes you made since you last clicked "Apply".

We encourage you to listen to any speech associated with each utterance. To do so, select the utterance unit and click the "Play Speech" button. Note, the TRAINS dialogs are two channel recordings meaning that although two adjacent utterance units overlap in time, you will not hear this in the raw audio files.

Note, tagging a series of utterances with a label such as Assert means that you have a series of Asserts. If you would rather a series of utterances be considered one unit then form a segment from the utterances and label the segment. To form a segment, first select a series of adjacent utterances and then choose Define Segment from the Group menu. You can click on this new segment and label it just like an utterance.

When you wish to stop annotating, select Save As from the File menu. The dialog box is similar to the one you saw when opening a file. Edit the filename to create a new file to save your changes in. Selecting Save afterwards will save in this new file. You may open this file later in order to finish an annotation. You quit dat by selecting Quit from the File menu. To attach notes to the dialog, use a comment tag or select Dialog Attrs from the Edit menu to make general comments.

The organization of tag descriptions in this manual was picked to simplify the explanation but this does not mean it is easiest to annotate in this order. You may annotate in any order you wish.

6 Appendix: Outstanding Issues

These are temporary decisions that may be reconsidered later.

Agreement to Asserts



It's raining



Does B's utterance have a forward function? Intuitively, it seems that it does and we will for the moment label such acts as Assert.

Conditional Commits

There are some commits that are conditional but not conditional on a decision of the hearer, such as "I'll be there if the package arrives on time". At present, we would mark this as a Commit even though it does not seem to belong in the same group as promises which are unconditional.