Volume 7 (1) 2013


Richard J. Alexander 

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  • Against the background of corporate globalization and the discoursal integration of ecological issues by multinationals this paper examines how BP played down and took steps to minimize the effects of its Deep Horizon rig explosion in 2010.  Using a combination of CDA methods and corpus linguistic techniques an empirical analysis is first given of a series of BP’s press releases during the attempts to stop the oil spill. Various linguistic features, such as euphemisms and metaphors, are isolated. The manner in which BP presents issues of obligation and responsibility is discussed. A second empirical section considers how the aftermath of the spill, especially the ‘restoration’ of the Gulf, and BP’s claims to be dealing with it is presented on BP’s website. This can be seen as a case of how crisis communication is undertaken by corporations. A key feature that is illustrated is the role terminological control and word choice play in deflecting attention from real and potential troubles. A final generalizing discussion section provides a critical political-economic evaluation of the practices and media presentations that state and business corporate bodies engage in to conceal and obscure their real operations and intentions.

    1. Agre, P. (2000). The Crisis of Public Reason. Independent Media Center, Tuesday 15 Aug 2000. <http://www.indymedia.org:8081> (Last accessed 28.02.2008) (no pagination).
    2. Alexander, R. J. (2008). How the anti-green movement and its ‘friends’ use language to construct the world. In M. Döring, H. Penz and W. Trampe (eds.), Language, Signs and Nature: Ecolinguistic Dimensions of Environmental Discourse. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag. pp.127-142.
    3. Alexander, R. J. (2009). Framing Discourse on the Environment. A Critical Discourse Approach. London: Routledge.
    4. Carey, A. (1995). Taking the risk out of democracy. Corporate propaganda versus freedom and liberty. New York, Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales Press, Ltd./Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. (ed. by Andrew Lohrey, with a foreword by Noam Chomsky.)
    5. Chomsky, N. (1988). Language and Politics. (ed. Otero, C. P.) New York: Black Rose Books.
    6. Chomsky, N. (2010). Hopes and Prospects. London: Penguin.
    7. Cromwell, D. (2001). Terror, Delusion and Obscenities. Z-Net Commentary December 9, 2001 (no pagination).
    8. Crouch, C. (2011). The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism. Cambridge: Polity Press.
    9. Flaherty, J. (2012). Two Years After the BP Drilling Disaster, Gulf Residents Fear for the Future. ZNet Commentary April 22, 2012.
    10. Frandsen, F. and W. Johansen (2010). Corporate crisis communication across cultures. In A. Trosborg (ed), Pragmatics Across Languages and Cultures. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 543-569.
    11. Heffernan, M. (2011a). Wilful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril. New York: Simon & Schuster.
    12. Heffernan, M. (2011b).  Wilful blindness – Why we ignore the obvious at our peril. New Statesman 8 August 2011. pp.33-35.
    13. Higgins, P. (2010). Eradicating Ecocide: Laws and Governance to Stop the Destruction of the Planet. London: Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd.
    14. Hunston, S. (2000). Evaluation and the planes of discourse: Status and value in persuasive texts. In S. Hunston and G. Thompson (eds.), Evaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 176-207.
    15. Jennings, F. (1988). Empire of Fortune. New York: W. W. Norton.
    16. Jørgensen, P.E.F. and M. Isaksson (2010). Credibility in corporate communication. In A. Trosborg (ed.), Pragmatics Across Languages and Cultures. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.  pp.513-541.
    17. Lischinsky, A. (2011). In times of crisis: a corpus approach to the construction of the global financial crisis in annual reports. Critical Discourse Studies 8 (3): 153-168.
    18. Marcuse, H. (1964). One Dimensional Man. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    19. O’Neill, J. (1972). Sociology as Skin Trade: Essays Towards a Reflexive Sociology. London: Heinemann.
    20. Pilger, J. (1998). Hidden Agendas. London: Vintage.
    21. Scollon, R. (2008). Analyzing Public Discourse: Discourse Analysis in the Making of Public Policy. London: Routledge.
    22. Van Dijk, T. A. (1993). Principles of critical discourse analysis. Discourse & Society 4 (2): 249-283.


Ghadah Alrasheed

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  • The paper is to display through critical discourse analysis discursive structures of six opinion articles taken from three Canadian newspapers discussing the niqab after the ban of it in France: two newspapers are national – Globe and Mail and National Post – and one is locally published in Ottawa -Ottawa Sun. Studying these articles through a CDA lens, I have found that the discourse of the opinion articles features two ‘ways of seeing’ (Berger 2008) towards the face veil: one is the colonial gaze, which comes from a history of colonization and for which the face veil stands out as a barrier to obtaining knowledge about these women and thus conquering them. The other coded way of seeing is that of nationalism which translates Muslim women as symbols of anti-nationality and inability to assimilate into the ‘imagined Canada’ (Jiwani 2006; Berland 2009). The theoretical investigation of the paper relies on discussions of Orientalism, and on critical descriptions the socio-historical and political context of Canada. It is substantiated by a qualitative critical analysis of the data to illustrate discursive patterns that characterize ideologically loaded presentations of the face-veil and Muslim women.

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Michael S. Boyd

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  • The work is interested in the use and recontextualization of certain legal lexis in the representation of mediatized legal discourse. Specifically, it focuses on the media portrayal of Amanda Knox, the American university exchange student who was convicted of and subsequently acquitted for the murder of British Exchange student, Meredith Kercher. A corpus-assisted empirical analysis of word frequencies and keywords is aimed at uncovering examples of recontextualization and misrepresentation of legal terms and concepts. The data are analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. From a theoretical point of view, the work is informed by the notion that distinctive contextual characteristics of the system, culture, language, and society and the frames and scripts that these imply must be taken into consideration when analyzing (mediatized) legal discourse. Crucially, it argues that recontextualization is both a selective and on-going process, which in the case of mediatized legal discourse can lead to mispresentation of both rules of law and the systems through which legal systems acquire ‘their meaningfulness and meaning’ (Cao 2007).

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Jennifer E. Cheng

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  • Due to the way racism is now hidden behind discourses of ‘cultural difference’ rather than relying on beliefs of biological inferiority, capturing instances of racism has now become a difficult task. The discourse of ‘difference’ in recent times has strongly manifested itself as exclusion from a discursively constructed nation: borders of the nation are redrawn along cultural essentialist lines so that undesirable ‘others’ are always excluded. Taking data from Australian parliamentary debates on immigration and citizenship during 2006-2007, this paper uses critical discourse analysis to explore how politicians discursively (re)construct borders of ‘Australia’ to either exclude or include immigrants. This paper argues that exclusion and inclusion in national constructions are more conducive ways of seeing how racism and anti-racism towards immigrants are enacted.

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Silvia de Candia, Cinzia Spinzi & Marco Venuti

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  • White House Press Briefings, daily meetings with the press held by the White House Press Secretary, are the main information conduit for the White House (Kumar 2007). They are considered a ‘political chess game’ where the Press Secretary and the press face a ‘wrestling match’ (Partington 2006: 16). Our analysis is carried out on a corpus comprising all the Press Briefings across three presidencies from Clinton to Obama. The additional mark-up includes information about individual speakers and their role, allowing us to compare different discourse strategies adopted by the participants in the briefings at different points in time. This leads us to determine the extent of the differences in the patterns found as well as the nature of the variation from one participant to the next one. Starting from a phraseological perspective (Granger and Meunier 2008), our analysis will focus on avoidance strategies enacted by the podium with the main purpose of preserving face and yet ‘doing the job’ (Partington 2003: 80). We will show how the cluster ‘I don’t know’ can be exploited by various podiums, mainly in accordance with strategic communication choices made by the US administrations, highlighting differences in the podium’s attitude towards the press.

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Kati Kaupinnen

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  • Female empowerment, success and agency have become icons of contemporary postfeminist popular culture and especially of women’s magazines. While in previous research these notions have been seen as manifestations of a new, popular feminism, more recently they have also been connected to the growing hegemony of neoliberal governance, a mode of power that ultimately aims at an economization of the social and is fundamentally exercised in and through discourse. This article seeks to contribute to the emerging body of research on the interconnectedness of these two phenomena, postfeminism and neoliberalism, by using the example of the German edition of the women’s magazine Cosmopolitan. Methodologically the study draws on linguistically oriented discourse analysis. The analysis focuses on the operation of a ‘discourse of postfeminist self-management’ in two key domains of the magazine: work and sex. Following a multilayered examination, the study concludes that although the discourse of postfeminist self-management evokes a feminist ethos, its logic is that of neoliberal governmentality. Thus the study suggests that rather than feminist action of any kind, what is going on here is gender-specific neoliberal governance, whereby the subversive power of feminism is systematically turned into a productive force for the (self-)production of neoliberalized, entrepreneurial subjects.

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Rachele Lawton

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  • This paper examines the discursive construction of immigrants and immigration within the ‘English Only’ movement in the United States.  In this critical discursive language policy study, emphasis is placed on the role of discourse in the reproduction of discrimination and anti-immigrant sentiment in the context of a debate related to language in the U.S.  The aims of the English Only movement are to make English the official language of the United States, restrict linguistic access to political and civil rights, and dismantle or restrict bilingual education programs (Schmidt 2000).   A variation of the discourse historical approach (DHA) (Wodak and Meyer 2009; Reisigl and Wodak 2001; Wodak 2006) is applied as a framework to analyze public texts that are produced by proponents of the English Only movement.  The DHA’s concept of context, the use of metaphor, and the macro-strategies of (mis)representation, (de)legitimization and coercion (Chilton 2004) are emphasized as analytical categories.  Finally, the analysis exposes the movement’s ideological aims by demonstrating how ‘in groups’ and ‘out groups’ are constructed in order to depict both the act of immigration and immigrants themselves in derogatory and thus discriminatory terms.  

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Malcolm N. MacDonald & Duncan Hunter

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  • Over the past decade, governments worldwide have taken initiatives both at a national and supra-national level in order to prevent terrorist attacks from militant groups. This paper analyses a corpus of policy documents which sets out the policy for UK national security. Informed by Foucault’s (2007) theory of governmentality, as well as critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, this paper analyses the ways in which the liberal state in late modernity realizes security as discursive practice.  A corpus of 110 documents produced by the UK government relating to security in the wake of the 7/7 attacks between 2007 and 2011 was assembled. The paper analyses the discursive constitution of the Foucaultian themes of regulation, knowledge and population, though carrying out a qualitative analysis of relevant key wards, patterns of collocation, as well as features of connotation and semantic prosody.

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Alessia Tranchese & Sole Alba Zollo

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  • This study is part of an ongoing investigation into the portrayal of violence against women in the British media and it draws on Fairclough’s model of CDA and Kress and van Leeuwen’s theory of multimodality. The aim of this analysis is to compare the representation of victims and perpetrators of rape in the printed and broadcast media. By bringing to light the intertextual and interdiscursive elements which come out of the comparative linguistic and/or semiotic investigation, this study explores how an incident of rape is recontextualised in two different media and across genres through the use of different verbal and visual strategies. In addition, this research aims at showing how media discourse, regardless of the genre, may contribute to creating a stereotyped construction of gender-based violence by, for example, shifting the responsibility from the perpetrator to the victim’s mother, thus minimising the rapist’s foul play and leading to his almost total invisibility.

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    29. van Zoonen, L. (1994) Feminist Media Studies. London: Sage.


Sharon Weinblum & Julien Danero Iglesias

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  • Studies on nation-state models and state-minorities relations often draw implicitly or explicitly on the civic vs. ethnic nation-state dichotomy, where the first would include minorities in a ‘civic’ nation, and the second would be the state of a sole ethnic nation, hence excluding minorities from this construction. Following other authors, the main argument of this paper is that in order to enhance our understanding of the state-minorities relations, these categories need to be challenged, but also empirically deconstructed. The paper argues that in so-called civic states, similar exclusivist discursive articulations to those present in ethnic states, are at play and vice versa. The argument is articulated through the study of central political elite’s narratives on the nation-state in two cases: one (self)-proclaimed ‘civic nation-state’, Moldova, and one ‘ethnic nation-state’ state, Israel. The analysis is based on an original methodology combining narrative analysis with critical discourse analysis (CDA). Through an analysis of the narrative chronological sequencing – present, future and past – the paper demonstrates that in both cases, inclusive discursive strategies are at play in the present. It then highlights that in both cases the future and past sequences of the narrative entail exclusive discursive practices leaving minorities out of the nation’s boundaries.

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    Speeches (Israel)

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    Speeches (Moldova)

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