Person working at a bench

This is an invite-only AHRC IAA call - see below for more details.

This IAA call is only open to researchers attending the Culture Innovation event and is intended to stimulate new partnerships between researchers and cultural organisations in the Morecambe Bay region. We are currently inviting Expressions of Interest to attend this event.

1. Summary

  • Opportunity Status: Invite only
  • Funders: Lancaster’s Impact Acceleration Account (an institutional award from UKRI)
  • Total Fund: Up to ~£50,000 available
  • Grant size: Up to £10,000 but smaller awards of <£5,000 are also encouraged. Amounts over £10,000 will be considered on an exceptional basis (with the expectation of a 1:1 cash match from the project partners) but please discuss these with the IAA Manager in advance.
  • Opening Date: 25th March 2024
  • Closing Date: 11th April 2024 5.00pm.

This call is part of Lancaster’s Impact Acceleration Account programme (2022-2026) which is designed to support projects that generate impact by applying research into real world settings with an external partner.

This funding will be part of a closed call and will be invite only to researchers and collaborative partnerships developed via the Culture Innovation event on March 25th. You can submit an Expression of Interest to attend, but should review the information below before doing so to ensure your interest aligns with the aims of the funding call.

2. Culture Innovation Overview

The IAA and Knowledge Exchange Teams at Lancaster University have collaborated to develop the Culture Innovation IAA call, bringing together cultural organisations around Morecambe Bay who are actively seeking to innovate.

Culture Innovation applies creative and cultural methodologies to rethink challenges, foster collaboration, and drive problem-solving across disciplines. This event will explore how culture-led placemaking can serve as a catalyst for sustainability, digital transformation, and health and wellbeing in the Bay, shaping new ways of working across sectors.

The first stage of the Culture Innovation IAA call involves a facilitated investigative and action focused session to map out ambitions between cultural organisations and Lancaster researchers, exploring new opportunities for creative and cultural organisations to co-produce new projects with researchers. This may include developing collaborations to reach new audiences or diversify markets, produce exciting new experiences, and develop new services or products. Emerging projects may be able to proceed immediately at no cost, but there is also an option to apply for dedicated innovation funding from Lancaster's Arts and Humanities Research Council Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) to enable activity. This funding can be deployed rapidly to enable ideas, innovations and collaborations to be tested quickly.

How to Express Interest:
If you are an LU researcher or represent a cultural organisation and are interested in attending this event, please submit an expression of interest (EoI) by 17:00, Friday 28th February via this online form. When selecting EoIs, we will prioritise:

  • Cultural partners who have not undertaken substantial innovation and/or research collaborations with the University previously
  • Cultural partners in the Morecambe Bay region (broadly coastal areas from Blackpool to Barrow)
  • Researchers who have not had prior IAA funding (particularly early career researchers)
  • Researchers with research outputs clearly aligned to the Arts and Humanities remit(s)

If there is high demand for this event, will we prioritise based on the criteria above. However, we would like to retain your contact details to follow up about future events and/or ongoing partnership development activity. The online form allows for you to leave your contact details. Invites for the event will be sent w/c 3rd March.

Note, the AHRC IAA funding will only be available for projects in the arts and humanities disciplines, further guidelines are provided below.

3. Call Guidance

If you attended the event on March 25th or are interested in submitting an Expression of Interest, please review the information below for further background and guidance around the AHRC Impact Acceleration Account. Note, this call will be invite only to reflect our collaboration with the Knowledge Exchange team and focus on cultural organisations in the Morecambe Bay area.
