Local Global
We will think and act in a global context and engage at a local level to maximise the reach and impact of the Library.
Achieving our vision
Examples of how we are addressing the Local Global theme within our vision and our future plans.
Tab Content: Academic year 2021-22
- Extended our schools and college provision, providing study days, developing an online schools guide making a successful application for WP funding to develop a hybrid EPQ support programme next year.
- Maintained close working relationships with our campuses and teaching partnerships, developing library resource provision and exchanging practice in learning development. Built a research relationship with Sunway University, providing research intelligence reporting.
- Led the roll out and implementation of UKRI's Open Access Policy, providing awareness and support for Lancaster's research community to meet requirements.
- Extended our social media activity, including establishing a Library LinkedIn presence.
- Contributed locally, nationally and internationally, presenting and publishing, hosting events, and taking a leadership role in library and learning development networks including the N8 Universities, Academic Libraries North, UKSG, CILIP, ALDinHE, SCONUL and RLUK.
- Actively engaged in research and scholarship to inform all we do, including two ICE fellowships. Invited to join Research Libraries UK in recognition of our contribution to research. National recognition for our Learning Development team with the CATE award and shortlisted in 2021 and winner in 2022 for THE Outstanding Library Team.
Tab Content: Academic year 2022-23
- Launched the institutional Rights Retention policy in collaboration with N8 organisations.
- Delivered a successful tender for ChronosHub (an Article Processing Charge system).
- Developed three successful funding bids: Open Book Futures, Citizen Science (as part of a wider institutional Wellcome Trust bid) and QR funding to establish a Research Cultures and Open Monographs lead project post.
- Contributed to several Research Intelligence collaborations including with Sunway University (Malaysia), Lancaster University China Centre and the QS World Rankings.
- Successfully completed the WP Funded Schools Engagement project, gained additional funding for year 2, and partnered in other schools' activities (e.g. cyber girls' days, Little researchers, MBC Schools’ collection).
- Played a role within the sector in leading groups and contributing to N8 Universities, Academic Libraries North, UKSG, ALDinHE, SCONUL and RLUK.
- Received national recognition of our achievements through the THE Outstanding Library Team award.
Tab Content: Academic year 2023-24
- Develop Open Monographs offer, including options for fulfilling the new UKRI mandate and innovative new projects such as Trailblazers and Open Book Futures.
- Revise and launch new Research Data Management policy.
- Undertake year two of the Schools Engagement project, extending benefits to a wider range of schools, developing online resources.
- Create a Morecambe Bay Curriculum collection for secondary schools.
- Review and clearly define the range of our provision for regional and international partner institutions.
- Contribute to University development of partnerships.