Blue Influencers calls for participants!

Picture of sunset over Morecambe Bay

Our friends from around the Bay are doing brilliant work through the Blue Influencers Scheme; a ground-breaking project from UK outdoor education charity The Ernest Cook Trust. Colleagues from Global Link, Morecambe Bay Partnerships, CDEC and Lancashire Wildlife Trust hope to support young people aged 10-14 from under-served communities and those living in deprived coastal, estuary and riverside locations, by empowering them to tackle environmental and climate issues.

With support from a Blue Mentor and access to funding (up to £5k), young people will have the opportunity to tackle local social and environmental issues that directly affect them, their families, and the wider community. The Morecambe Bay Curriculum is proud to work alongside Blue Mentors, we know that this work will help create more change-makers around the Bay.

There are now Blue Mentors in post at Global Link and Morecambe Bay Partnership who are seeking to work with groups of young people (target age 10-14 years-olds) on environmental social action projects. This scheme will be reaching out to schools and other organisations to find participants over the next year. If you are a school (primary and secondary), community space, charitable organisation, or know of a group of passionate young people, you can contact either Ant or Lauren via the details below.

The Scheme was developed by The Ernest Cook Trust in 2023 as a match-funded project with the #iwill Fund. Find out more about them and their Influencers Schemes here -

Anthony (Global Link) - | 07717 655515 |

Lauren (Morecambe Bay Partnership) - | 07505962212 |

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