The original scope of this edition

The electronic edition was planned to contain: (a) the facsimile pages of Notebook M, (b) the transcript of the textual material of ‘M’, (c) facsimile pages of the notebooks and sheets held by the Ruskin Library where directly referred to from the pages of ‘M’, (d) transcripts of the textual material of (c) where necessary, (e) commentaries on all buildings and works of art of significance to Ruskin’s developing ideas (with images where appropriate), on Ruskin’s source material, and on other matters in (a) to (e). It also aimed to contain lengthy passages of the transcript of notebook ‘M2’, (Transcript 7B) as this is a significant part of the research argument. Other appropriate material was to be included (such as pages and transcripts of other parts of notebooks and sheets held at Lancaster) if feasible over the timescale of the project.

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[Version 0.05: May 2008]